We have
put 2012 behind us and hope to move into a new and better year. The rain has
stopped, the sun is shining, there is a wee bit frost, but nothing too severe
and the snow has not yet arrived, as I write this in early January. However we
know that things could change with very little warning so let’s just enjoy the
winter sunshine. Early flowering bulbs are either completely fooled by this
mild winter or know what is happening and take full advantage of the sunshine.
aconites and snowdrops have started to flower and the winter jasmine is at its
best. My tubs and hanging baskets are planted up with winter flowering pansies
which are really spring flowering though can last well into summer. These were
grown from seed sown last summer and kept cool. They are often prone to
greenfly and leafspot fungus, but maybe the 2012 cool wet summer discouraged
these so they have grown very sturdy and clean. They just can’t wait to get
flowering so almost every tub has some plants with the first large brightly
coloured blooms in flower.
A wander around the garden
Take the
opportunity every sunny day to enjoy early flowers and other plants that are
grown for winter beauty.
A batch of polyanthus which flowered last
spring in my tubs and then got planted out in a border have continued to flower
ever since, and even in winter when we get a few sunny days together the
flowers open up. The winter flowering heather Erica carnea has now started to
flower to add to my winter garden of cornus, kerria, red stemmed maples and orange
coloured willows.
This is
their moment for the next two months.
A drift
of black grass, Ophiopogon planiscapus Nigrescens, planted in the front of the
border adds to the drama as it is low growing and forms a thick black clump.
They form a great background for snowdrops.
The white
stemmed silver birch Betula jacquemontii absolutely dazzles in the winter
sunshine and as there are no leaves on the tree the branch framework is really
eye catching against the deep blue sky. This small garden tree is growing in
the middle of my heather harden where several golden and bronze leaved callunas
put on their best show after a few frosts have sharpened up the leaf colour.
Now for some garden tasks
There is
always plenty of leaves around to sweep up and add to the compost heap, and
digging continues on the allotment provided the soil surface is not wet.
bush and climbing roses can be tackled any time now, and if we continue to get
a mild winter it is better to be well ahead just in case there is an early
start to spring growth.
grape vines under glass should now be completed, though there is time yet for
the outdoor vines.
Plant of the week
Hamamelis mollis the Witch Hazel comes into flower
in January and continues for several weeks. The numerous spidery shaped flowers
are yellow and slightly scented, brightening up the winter garden with a bold
splash of colour. Their autumn colour is also dazzling. The plant needs space
as it can grow quite large preferring a slightly acid free draining rich soil,
placed in full sunshine. Do not plant deeply as most Hamamelis are grafted and
the rootstocks are prone to suckering.
They do
not need any pruning other than to remove suckers, broken or overcrowded shoots
and removal of an occasion shoot if they get too large for their space.
Painting of the month