gardener loves a challenge. Growing normal flowers, fruit and vegetables can be
challenging enough with our unpredictable weather, but with so much talk about
global warming it does tempt you to go beyond the normal and see what we can do
with a few exotics. A wide range of exotic plants can now be found in most
garden centres, so push the boat out and give some a try.
Way back
in my apprenticeship days we only had a very limited range and most of them
were under glass at Camperdown, such as bananas, bougainvilleas, canna,
gardenias, clivias, passion fruit and some small fruited oranges. Outdoors we
grew eucalyptus, caster oil plants and cordylines as summer dot plants for
flower beds.
Today the
range is extended to include Angel trumpets, the Tuberose, Spider lilies, and
the white ginger lily. Some plants such as the Pineapple broom Cytisus
battandieri, the New Zealand tea tree Leptospermum and the African Lily
Agapanthus will grow fine outdoors all year round, but will die out if the winters
get too cold.
There are
very many more and most will either need a glasshouse for protection, a warm
south facing wall, and others are quite hardy in the summer months but require
to be brought indoors for the winter.

A passion
fruit climber was planted beside my climbing rose Dublin Bay not really
expecting it to grow. It just loved it and within two years it was in flower,
growing wildly and threatening to take over my climbing rose.
Then in
2010, winter returned, temperatures plunged and stayed low for ages. In spring
after the snows melted the damage was severe. Everything died out except the
Eucalyptus, though it did lose a few leaves. Now we are in a mild wet cycle and
know one knows how long this will last.
are now either kept in the greenhouse, at home in a light warm room or grown
outdoors in the summer only.
Indoor exotics
plants worth trying are the tuberose known as Polianthes tuberose, the white
ginger lily, Hedychium coronarium and the Peruvian daffodil or spider lily,
Ismene festalis and sometimes called Hymenocallis festalis. All of these tender
plants have highly scented white flowers.
They all
need to be potted into a rich free draining compost and grown in a warm light
room or heated glasshouse. Keep watered and feed fortnightly and in late summer
you should be enjoying their powerful white scented flowers. The tuberose is
difficult to flower in its second year unless you can get several weeks of good
growth after flowering to build up the bulb for overwintering.
lilies are easier and should be dried off for overwintering in their pots.
Outdoor exotics
Trumpets, known as Brugmansias and Indian Shot known as Canna can both be
planted outdoors to flower in the summer months. Grow similarly as the indoor
exotics but harden off and plant out in May in beds or tubs. Angel Trumpets
flowers give off their fantastic scent in late evenings to attract night flying
moths for pollination. They are perfect on a patio on a warm summers evening.
Canna can be grown for its exotic foliage and flowers in a flower bed or tub.
Both should be dug up in autumn, and kept fairly dry, but not too dry and keep
in a frost free place.
I have
had Canna overwinter perfectly fine in a dryish border, after I forgot to lift
them in autumn, but the next year they grew and flowered quite happily. However
that winter was mild.
Plant of the week
Crocus species are distinctly different from the
large flowered hybrids in that they usually flower about two weeks earlier. The
flowers may be smaller but they naturalise so easily that they readily create
large bold drifts of colour. They are perfect amongst deciduous shrubs
flowering in late February to early March before the shrubs have any leaves.
There are numerous species, but my favourites all belong to just three main
types. Crocus chrysanthus gives us the pastel coloured Cream Beauty and Blue
Pearl, the pure white Snowbunting and the deep yellow Zwanenburg Bronze. The
best Crocus sieberi are the lilac Firefly and the white Bowles White. Crocus
tommasinianus is itself a very attractive lavender, and Ruby Giant is a very
bold reddish purple.
They are
always better planted in full sun otherwise the flowers may not open up fully.