The sun
continues to shine, temperatures remain high and the rain has stayed away for
several weeks. The garden has never looked better and last week I marvelled at
the improvements to roses, but this week it is the turn of fruit crops to show
immense benefit. After last year’s cold wet summer where fruit either rotted on
the bush (strawberries,) or suffered diseases (apple scab) or lack of
pollination, it is very pleasing to see crops so healthy and plentiful.
last year’s rotten weather has affected this year’s crop as top fruit trees,
(pears and peaches) did not get a chance to ripen up the shoots in autumn, so
fruit bud formation just did not happen. It is such a pity as this would have
been the year to ripen up a good crop of Scottish outdoor peaches. The bushes
are very healthy with very little peach leaf curl, so I can just hope that 2014
will be their year.
Cherokee fruits are very large, sweet and well ripened up this year.
This has
been a fantastic year with over sixty pounds picked so far, and I have not even
started on my Flamenco perpetual variety. Mae has been a very heavy cropper
with very little botrytis, but Symphony and Rhapsody though not such heavy
croppers have very large sweet berries with excellent flavour. You can only eat
so much fruit, so the freezer is taking all our surplus crops.
bumper year for red and blackcurrants, but as there was still ten pounds of
blacks in the freezer left from last year, these had to be used up in jam and a
couple of demijohns of wine.
Ben Conan
has large sweet berries great for eating if very ripe, but also makes excellent
jam, compote and summer puddings, and I always keep back some for wine making.
currants get used the same way, though the wine is my favourite product.
My new
Big Ben blackcurrant bush is putting on excellent growth in its first year, but
I will have to wait till 2014 before I sample these very large sweet berries.
I started
to pick my first Glen Fyne in mid July, but my Glen Rosa (sold to me as Glen
Ample) is running at least a week or two later. Flavour and texture of Glen
Fyne is excellent.
I gave a
spray to combat raspberry beetle maggots at the first pink fruit stage to both
my raspberries as well as my Bramble Helen. They will need another spray a week

We use
the gooseberries in summer puddings, compote, stewed and sweetened for use in
desserts and in my breakfast muesli, and of course it also makes a brilliant
started a bit later than last year, but berries are a good size and the sun has
really sweetened them up. The two rows are all under netting for protection
from birds, yet the blackie still managed to find a way under the net.
Saskatoons are used in the same way as blueberries, eaten fresh in season,
then, compote, summer puddings, jam and brewed for wine.
Anna has
continued to experiment with Saskatoon jam recipes and her latest one, adapted
from a Canadian recipe is a definite winner. This fruit is very low in pectin
so setting can be a problem. It also lacks juice to give a smooth consistency,
so rhubarb has been added to help setting and soften the texture. This
Saskatoon jam is delicious.
6 large
cups crushed saskatoons
4 large
cups chopped rhubarb
6 large
cups warmed sugar
Juice of
one lemon
rounded teaspoon of citric acid
Add a
half cup of water to pan with rhubarb, soften for ten minutes then add
saskatoons and soften for another ten minutes. Add lemon juice, citric acid and
warmed sugar, bring to a rolling boil for another ten minutes then test.
Plant of the week