At long
last the Scottish summer has arrived and has surpassed itself with a lot more
than just our normal three consecutive days of brilliant sunshine. We have a
lot to thank for with global warming.
garden has been unbelievable. Summer flowers are not waiting to put on a decent
bit of growth before they settle down to flower. There are flowers everywhere.
Hanging baskets and tubs full of geraniums, petunias and impatiens are at their
best, but with still plenty of time to grow bigger and provide even more
flowers. Even the winter flowering hanging baskets full of pansies are still
flowering so though they have been replaced they are now sitting on large pots
on the patio. As long as they get dead headed they will continue to flower.

In the
herbaceous border the oriental poppies, peonies and flag iris have all
finished, but now the delphiniums are taking central stage.
Both bush
roses and climbing roses are at their best and my shrub rose Ispahan and
Lavender Lassie are covered in masses of scented pink flowers.
flowering shrubs provide the backbone in the garden landscape with the larger
ones giving privacy around boundaries. Philadelphus has masses of pristine
white scented flowers in mid summer and can grow very tall. Buddleia and some
Escallonias all in flower now can also
reach for the sky. Coming down in scale the Hypericums, Cistus, fuchsia and
Senecio just love these long days of hot dry sunny weather. I am just hoping
that it will still be there when this comes into print.

Down on
the allotment strawberry picking is in full swing, so for breakfast it is
strawberries in the muesli, then strawberries with Greek yoghurt and a drizzle
of honey for lunch, then in the evenings it is just strawberries to enjoy as we
watch the World Cup. There might even be some left over to enjoy once Wimbledon
starts and Andy gets into his stride.

beans have responded to the warm weather and are in full flower with plants
standing over five feet tall. However dwarf French beans had a very poor
germination, then the slugs had a feast before I got the pellets out. This
might not be their year, but it is too early to condemn them yet.
Peas are
all growing very strongly. I have recycled my pruned shrubs for supports for
them, so Salix britzensis looks after my Kelvedon Wonder and my dead Goji which
I dug out now supports my Hurst Green Shaft. Both the willow (Salix) and the
Goji prunings have rooted and started to grow.
Is it the
weather or my green fingers. That Goji was dead, but now it wants to live after
I dug it out. That is just plain weird.
are all now in full flower and looking very strong, but I will wait another
couple of weeks before I lift a sample of my early variety Lady Chrystl.
Plant of the week
Senecio greyi is a medium sized evergreen shrub
with grey foliage and in mid summer gets covered in masses of bright yellow
daisy shaped flowers. It is perfect for maritime locations and dry soils with
good drainage. It flowers best in full sun.
It is
very easy to propagate from softwood cuttings in early summer or ripe cuttings
later on.
yellow flowers associate very well with mauve flowers of Erigeron and the
bright purple succulent Delosperma cooperi which all flower at the same time
and will all grow in drier soils.