The allotment crops are now being harvested at breakneck speed. Some
crops such as salads, potatoes, broad beans, courgettes and turnips are running
ahead of last year by a few weeks, but others not affected. In fact my summer
cabbage and cauliflower are a week later to harvest. August weather brought a
severe halt to our very warm and dry summer, but it was great while it lasted
and summer fruit crops have never been better.
It is difficult to find room in our freezers for all the produce, and
there is always some more to find a home for every time you visit the allotment
plot. We eat as much as possible, but it is difficult for two pensioners to get
through a cabbage, two turnips, three cauliflowers and five massive courgettes
plus any amount of salads and beetroot each week.
This has been a great year for a succession of salads and beetroot, and
turnips would also have been great if my Purple Top Milan had not all run to
seed. Red stemmed Swiss chard has been prolific and though some has bolted and
been removed, there has been plenty others ready to grow into the vacant space.
Onion Hytech bulbs were all lifted at the beginning of August before the
rains came and are now being dried off for storing. The crop from my heat treated
sets was decent, but not as great as it normally is when they are grown from
seed sown in March.
Potatoes had to be lifted early as black leg disease appeared on a few
shaws, then in early August the weather cooled down and the rain returned
bringing on the blight which rapidly went through all the foliage. Lifted spuds
need drying off for storage in an airy but dark frost free place. Keep an eye
on then in case some tubers start to rot from the blight.
Summer cabbage Kilaton and
cauliflower Clapton have been brilliant as they are both clubroot resistant,
though it has been difficult picking off caterpillers.
Sweet corn is running later than normal, but looks like a great crop
still to come.
This has been a great year for strawberries, raspberries, brambles, all
the currants and saskatoons. Saskatoon picking ended at the beginning of
August, but then the first of my blueberries started to ripen. Wasps have been
a real pest on blueberries this year.
Autumn Bliss raspberries have started to crop and should continue till
well into autumn.
Our first outdoor figs were picked in early August with a lot more to
come, and now the early apples, Arbroath Pippin and Discovery are ready.
Summer flowers, especially poppies, have responded to the hot dry sunny
weather, but now they are taking a break. Fuchsias that were a mass of flowers
have lost most of them and geraniums are well past their best. I hope that once
this cool wet period finishes and the summer returns the flowers will all come
out again.
Plant of the week

They are easy to propagate with cuttings in late summer.