the autumn as leaves take on the golds, orange and red hues, but as winter approaches and the weather becomes colder we are less inclined to wander around enjoying the garden. Garden tasks however continue with winter digging, pruning, repairing fences, planting trees and shrubs and hedges and moving plants indoors or under shelter to give them some winter protection. We also have to clear paths of snow, sprinkle salt on drives, and on a sunny day there is always a few remaining leaves to sweet up. To keep our spirits raised on these cold days outdoors it is a good idea to establish a winter garden that will have its days of impact during the winter months. There are a lot of plants that have very attractive variegated foliage such as the gold and silver Euonymus, or the yellow edged Elaeagnus and even the black grass, Ophiogogon now gets some attention without having to compete with spring and summer flowers. Then of course there are a lot of shrubs with highly coloured stems such as the Cornus, (dorwoods with red, orange and black stems) the salix, (willow with red, orange and grey stems,) Kerria japonica with green stems and Rubus with stems covered in a white bloom. To create impact, grow these shrubs together in a drift against a dark green hedge or some Rhododendrons and Camellias. Although these can grow quite tall, most get pruned right back to stumps at ground level in spring so do not interfere with the Rhododendrons or camellias in flower in April.

To add a bit of height
to the border there are plenty of taller shrubs such as the coral bark maple
Acer sangokaku and a few smaller trees well worth a place for their winter
bark. The white stemmed Betula jaquemontia
is a must have if you can afford the
space as it is a real show stopper all year round. The list grows longer if you
have room for more small trees as several more maples and Prunus (cherries)
have ornamental variegated or peeling bark. Eucalyptus can also be used as it
has very attractive smooth bark in shades of warm greys and the foliage is
always a lovely blue grey colour. However it is a forest tree which needs a lot
of room, so keep it down to a reasonable size by cutting back in late winter.
Wee jobs around the garden
Unheated greenhouses
still house and grow plants right through the winter. I overwinter my fuchsias,
outdoor chrysanthemum stools, many recently propagated shrubs in small pots and
spring flowering hanging baskets full of pansies. I also grow some spring
onions, winter lettuce and many other salads. It is a good idea to give these
plants some extra protection by lining the glass with a layer of bubble
polythene. You can get special clips to hold it in place so there is an air gap
between the polythene and the glass, to help the insulation. If you have a
grape vine try to keep this on the outside of the insulation as they benefit
from a winter chill.