There is an apple
tree suitable for almost every garden today, no matter how small your garden
is. Life keeps evolving and modern housing no longer caters for those wishing a
large garden. Most people don’t need a garden to grow their fruit and
vegetables as supermarkets can provide everything you want. However when it
comes to full flavour and health benefits you are better to grow your own
produce. Supermarkets require produce to be blemish free, evenly sized, good
appearance and have a long shelf life. None of that is relevant to home grown
produce, and we may well also find the odd caterpillar and greenfly, but that
won’t put us off if the taste is fantastic and the apple is soft sweet and
Fruit tree breeders
have been encouraged to rethink their strategy in light of the fact that there
has been a movement to go back to growing the older heritage varieties that can
still be found in old derelict orchards. Most of these older types are not
commercial by today’s standards, so where they find outlets is likely to be
your local green grocer or farmers markets. The goodness has not been bred out
of them in favour of size and cropping potential. These older varieties still
have a real apple taste and soft texture. Apart from Cox, there are too many
apple varieties available with thick skin and hard tasteless flesh. So when
looking for that special apple tree that you know your kids will be happy to
eat make sure you get one with flavour and that will grow in your area.

The best cooking
apple in my opinion is still Bramley which keeps a long time in store.
Many garden centres
hold apple open days where numerous varieties are available to sample usually
in early October so you can decide which one to go for.
The next
consideration will be how much space is available for a tree. Breeders and
nurserymen have helped out the gardener with limited space by producing types
aimed at those with limited space. All apples are grafted onto a root stock
whose vigour determines its ultimate size.
The latest most
dwarfing type is M27 used for columnar shapes, dwarf pyramids and stepover
Then M9 is an old
dwarfing type used for cordons, dwarf bush and spindle trees.
Apples grafted on this
and M27 require permanent staking.
M26 and MM106 are
still dwarfing but will give a bigger tree than the previous ones, growing up
to ten to twelve feet. However for standard trees if you have the space look
for trees grafted onto MM111 or M25, but they can grow up to fifteen feet tall.
The best forms of
tree for limited space is cordons, fans and espaliers which can be grown
against a wall or fence and spur pruned so they take up minimal space. In open
areas stepover trees are very popular. These are like a single espalier branch
trained a couple of feet above the ground and again spur pruned in summer by
reducing growth to a few buds. Most apple varieties can be trained in these
forms, but a new type becoming popular is the single stemmed columnar Starline
range. There are five varieties, but as these are new only time will tell if
they will be good up north. For me the orange red Firedance type looks good.
These should all be summer pruned to keep shoots short (three buds) and will
need permanent staking. They are said to be resistant to scab and mildew.
Wee Jobs to do this week
Check insulation of
outdoor water taps and those in unheated greenhouses.
Continue with
outstanding winter digging, incorporating manure and compost, but still leaving
the soil surface rough to allow weathering.
Spike lawns with a
garden fork to improve drainage, then brush in a lawn top dressing to improve
the fertility and health of the sward.