Tuberous begonias
are hard to beat for an exotic summer bedding plant, providing a wealth of
large blooms in any weather in just about any colour except blue. They are
perfect for bedding, tubs, window boxes, hanging baskets and as a house plant on
a sunny window sill.
The flowers are
usually double and can be frilled and some have a beautiful picotee edge.
Once you have
grasped their basic cultural needs for growing and storage they will last for
years. I purchased my tubers over twenty years ago and at the end of each
season I have more than I started with as the tubers grow larger. Protect them
from frost at all times as they are half hardy.
It is usual to use
different varieties suitable for summer bedding (doubles, Non Stop, Frilled and
Picotees), those with a trailing habit for baskets (pendulas.) You can pay up
to £40 for one tuber of the best variety, whereas tubers for bedding are about
£1 to £6 each. They may be expensive to start off with, but they last for years
and slowly increase in size. As they grow bigger you can cut them up in late
March to April as long as each portion has a good couple of strong young
Propagation and growing
Tubers can be split
in April when emerging shoots are quite prominent. You need at least two shoots
on each piece, but this is a very slow way to bulk up stock. Seed sowing is the
best way to produce a lot of plants quickly. Sow in February on finely prepared
seed compost. Do not cover the seeds as they need light to germinate, but to
retain a moist atmosphere cover the seed tray with glass. Turn this over daily
to remove condensation. They must always be moist, but never wet and need a
constant temperature of 65 to 70 F. to germinate. When big enough to transplant
you will need to make a forked stick to lift them out together with a very
small dibber. Plant them in trays about 4cms apart and once they fill those,
transplant them again into larger containers.

At the end of the
flowering season, about mid October, cut back the plants to about three or four
inches and lift them carefully. Knock off any loose soil and store them in an
airy dry cool but frost proof place. Let the soil around the tubers dry out and
fall off. Store them in boxes concave side up covering them with the dried out
soil or old potting compost. Make sure it is dry.
Wee jobs to do this week
Cut hedges and any
ornamentally shaped shrubs. Always start at the bottom, work up the sides and
leave the top till last.
Check for leeks on
garden shed roofs and repair with new felt or use bitumastic on small holes or
tears. Replace any broken glass from shed windows, cold frames and glasshouses.
Areas on the
vegetable patch allocated for brassicas, and dug over a few months ago can now
be limed to reduce the soil acidity. This helps to minimise the incidence of
clubroot disease.
Check for scale
insect infestation on rhododendrons and evergreen azaleas as they can become
quite a serious pest causing loss of foliage and allowing the fungus sooty
mould to develop. They can be controlled with several sprays of Provado or
Resolva. However best time to spray is in summer when the young scale nymphs
are hatching.