The festive season
is well under way with Christmas just a few days away, but the keen gardener
finds it hard to hang up the spade, put away the secateurs and relax, as there
is always just one wee job needing attention.
Merry Christmas from John and Anna |
The Christmas tree
has been brought out from the attic, dusted down and put in place and I had
every confidence the ten year old Christmas tree lights would still work.
Decorations now add a wee bit of festive cheer around the studio. That’s one
job done.
Festive poinsettia |
Sorting out some festive
flowers was not easy. My Christmas cactus which is normally in full flower by
now has totally failed to produce a single flower. My pink Phalaenopsis orchid
has dropped its last flower, but considering it was in full bloom from August
it has done us proud, so it can have a rest in a warm light room and with some
occasional feeding it will build up strength for next year. Amaryllis is a
great Christmas flower, but our bulb was started too late so will miss the
festive season, though it is looking
Green manure ready to dig in |
very strong with two large flower spikes.
So it was down to the supermarket for a decent poinsettia to give us a splash
of colour. There are plenty around of all prices and sizes, so choose a good
one as they can last many weeks.
Winter weather has
come early this year, but the autumn was quite dry so winter digging has just
about been completed apart from the areas with clover and tares green manure
which I may leave till the end of winter. This gives them more time for root
growth which helps to break up the soil and improve drainage. Nutrients
retained in the foliage will be released back into the soil in spring after
they get turned in and rot down.
Winter veg in abundance |
Garden and allotment
weeds were also removed in late autumn and falling leaves collected for the
compost heap. The compost heap was getting quite big so it got a final turn
over so that fresh material can rot down and be ready for use next spring.
The weather has been
kind to winter vegetables so there is an abundance of brussels sprouts,
cabbage, leeks, beetroot, swedes, parsnips and kale but my cauliflower Clapton
grown from a late sowing were brilliant, but now all used up as they do not
keep long once the curds have formed.
The garage has been
perfect for storing onions, apples and pumpkins, and the freezer is still
bulging with strawberries, raspberries, blackcurrants, gooseberries, saskatoons
and chokeberries, so we have plenty of choice for the Christmas dinner.
To keep up the
festive spirit, a few demijohns of three year old homebrew got bottled up as we
will expect a few guests over
Selecting some refreshments |
Christmas and New Year so it is hard to know
where to start. Will it be the saskatoon, blackcurrant, gooseberry, apple or chokeberry
wine or my special Brant grape wine. Three years ago when I started this brew
the yeast on the Brant grapes got really excited and kept fermenting as I gave
them a bit more sugar, but after reaching 19% alcohol the campden tablets came
out to put a stop to the fun. I think this may be better for New Year rather
than Christmas.
Now the garden, the
store and the vegetables have been sorted out we cannot forget our feathered
friends outdoor, so we keep the bird table topped up. The Joseph Rock rowan is
loaded with berries which a thrush and our local blackies go to war over, but
good luck as any time now we expect swarms of waxwings to appear and clear
every berry in site. However I see nearby cotoneasters are just laden with
berries so this should keep birds fed for a wee while longer. As I go through
stored apples and pick out any with signs of brown rot, these can be cut in
half and left out for the birds which seem to enjoy the change in diet.
Browsing through catalogues |
Wee jobs to do this week
As most of the wee
jobs have now been taken care of we can relax with a wee drink and ponder seed,
fruit and flower catalogues to give us inspiration for new ideas and new plants
to try out for 2018 to replace those which never reached the grade in 2017.