Although the trees,
shrubs and garden plants are ready for their winter rest as they go dormant, no
such luck for the gardener. The day length in
John gathers up the leaves |
winter may be shorter, but we can
always find a job to do while there is light. Right now the wee jobs are just
piling up as we prepare for the winter lying ahead. Every dry day is a bonus to
get on with the winter digging, but on days when the soil is wet we can be
checking tree stakes and ties, fix fences,
Check over apples in store |
paths, and give the compost heap another
turn as it is now overloaded with fallen leaves. In inclement weather we can be
in the garage sorting out and checking stored produce, cleaning pots and seed
trays, or in the greenhouse cleaning up and preparing the borders for next
year’s tomatoes. Pruning of the grape vine is left till mid December to
January, and the prunings will be just fine for a batch of cuttings for some
new plants.
Outdoor jobs
The dormant season is a
perfect time for pruning fruit bushes, fruit trees and roses. However the
pruning will vary for each one as flower and fruit for some is on older wood on
spurs, some on last years shoots and some on shoots growing the same year.
Apples and pears fruit best on young spurs formed on shoots a couple of years old as
well as older shoots so try to achieve a balance of both young shoots as well
as older branches. Trees grown as fans
Dry off gladioli corms |
on walls or grown as cordons or stepover
trees get spur pruned where summer pruning is done to reduce shoot vigour then
further pruned in winter to a couple of buds to form spurs.
Plums are
best left alone in winter otherwise they are liable to infection of silver leaf
disease. Prune them in summer.
Figs grown
on walls as fans are kept in check by removing vigorous shoots growing too far
away from the wall, and only a bit of minimal pruning to keep a good shape.
Summer fruiting raspberries have all the previous years fruiting
Rose pruning |
canes removed and the new canes
tied in. Autumn fruiting raspberries have everything cut down to the ground as
they fruit on wood grown in the same year.
Saskatoons need some height management to make netting easy to erect. I try to
keep the height down to less than six feet by removing a few tall shoots right
down to the ground.
Blackcurrants fruit on one year old wood best so remove some older wood every year.
Gooseberries and redcurrants both fruit on spurs so cut back young shoots in summer
before fruiting then cut them back further in winter to control vigour and
encourage fruiting.
flower best on young shoots so look for shoots growing near the base and take
off about half. Remove weak shoots and older wood if it can be replaced with a
young shoot.
Other winter tasks
Pot up Amaryllis bulbs |
Now most of the leaves
have dropped we can rake them up and add them to the compost heap.
Continue digging, adding
in manure or compost and leaving the soil surface rough to allow winter
weathering so the soil breaks down easily to a fine tilth in spring for seed
sowing and planting. No rush to dig over areas sown down with green manures as
these will be fine for a few more months.
Lift gladioli and
chrysanthemums that have now finished flowering. Box up the chrysanthemums and
keep growing slowly in the greenhouse, but dry off the gladioli corms for
storing indoors.
Check fruit and vegetables
in store and remove any with signs of brown rots.
Wheres ma seeds |
Pot up Amaryllis bulbs
kept dry over summer and start them back into growth on a warm windowsill.
Wee jobs to do this week
Put out bird table and feeders now that berries are getting scarcer,
especially after the autumn gales that were so severe that many plants lost
their fruit as it got blasted off the trees and shrubs. Feeders are best hung
from tree branches on strong string so mice cannot reach them. Keep the feeders
clean and also put out a shallow container for water to drink and splash in to
keep clean.