Garden lovers have always bought a regular gardening magazine to hold our interest and give us up to date information. We also regularly visit garden centres and nurseries as well as horticultural events in our area. This way we gain knowledge of modern gardening techniques and the latest plant varieties as they appear. Today, even in the world of gardening everything has moved on and now we seek our information on the internet as well as the other sources. There is any amount of information available at the click of a mouse leading to websites, blogs, forums and newsletters.
Schools teach computer
studies from primary age, so our kids are well versed up in internet
technology, but my generation has a lot to catch up on and although there is
plenty courses in basic computing, it is not easy to adapt to this new
My first steps
About twelve years ago
I enrolled onto an evening class for basic computing learning a wee bit about
all the parts and how they worked, then I found another course on learning to search
and surf the internet, “Computing for the Terrified” I was an uphill struggle as
the keyboard, which I had never used before, really had me baffled, but Scots
don’t give up easily.
At this time Dundee
Business Gateway was running a series of courses on computers, the internet and
website building for small businesses, so yet again this very determined lad
enrolled on all of them. I got enough information on just what to look for to
buy my first computer with confidence. Now I could practice all these lessons I
had been taught. Before long I was searching, emailing, scanning, adding
pictures from my camera, printing, booking buses, trains, holidays, and
building up a list of my favourite sites that I look at frequently.
My next step was to
build my own website to showcase my paintings, prints and art
tuition. However I also added pages to show my gardening activities in and
around the house as well as my allotment at City Road.
I then added a new blog,
linked from my home page to archive all my Dundee Courier articles for future
reference. The latest venture is into Facebook and other social media sites,
but being very careful with uploading pictures and content.
Today every worthwhile
nursery, garden centre and grower has a website. So do Botanical gardens, the
Royal Horticultural Society, stately homes, research institutes and numerous
allotment sites.
If you wish to find
information, or where you can buy a plant just go to Google and type in the
common or botanical name and browse through the result pages. Pests, diseases,
weed control, pruning, planting, composts, greenhouses, sheds, fences,
polythene are all easy to find.
You can look up local
garden centres such as
or if you wish to look up specialist
plant growers try Cockers at
and for roses.
If you want the best
tuberous begonias look up
Our own Dundee
Botanical Gardens can be found at
For information on allotment sites try which has links to everything you are likely to grow, then check out both the National Society at and the Scottish Society at
For information on allotment sites try which has links to everything you are likely to grow, then check out both the National Society at and the Scottish Society at
Wee jobs to do this week
Lift and divide
rhubarb plants more than three years old and replant them in well prepared soil
that has been well manured as they prefer a rich fertile soil.
Tidy up the edges of
lawns with a half moon lawn edger. Any areas that are damaged can be repaired
by cutting a square of turf then turning it around so that the edge is clean
and straight on the outside. Add soil to the broken area, level it and sprinkle
in some grass seed.
Check over all
garden tools and sharpen blunt edges with a file. Many tools such as secateurs,
spades, hoes, axes and shears all get blunt with constant use.