Thursday, 1 November 2012
Scottish Artist and his Garden: END OF THE HARVESTING SEASON
Scottish Artist and his Garden: END OF THE HARVESTING SEASON:
Sunday, 28 October 2012
As the
growing season is now all but finished apart from a few winter vegetables, we
gather in the last of our crops while still trying to get them ripened off with
any promise of a decent sunny day.
crops continue to grow happily from later sowings with good lettuce, spring
onions, radish and a weird mixture of leafy plants including mizuna, sorrel,
corn salad, polycress, mustard and rocket. It is nice to try new things, and no
doubt we will be very healthy, but I still prefer a good lettuce.
All my
apples have now been picked and are being sorted out for eating, cooking,
storage and wine making. Fiesta, Red Falstaff and Red Devil are all late
varieties that get picked on a sunny day in mid October when they are just ripe
enough. This year they have all been picked in between rain showers and none of
them are fully ripe, (when the seeds have turned black) so I hope they ripen up
in store. They all lack normal sweetness this year and Red Falstaff has a bit of scab on the fruit so although I
have a great crop a lot of them are destined for wine making. Red Devil has
been outstanding. It suffered no disease whatsoever, has given a very heavy
crop, and has really brightened up the garden with large scarlet apples that
seem to glow. Early tastings indicate that after a couple of weeks of storage
it will be a brilliant dessert apple.
has been a very poor cropper this year and suffered a wee bit of mildew, but it
is still hard to beat for a great cooking apple. All damaged, split, scabby and
small fruit will be used for making apple pectin to help set jams and plenty
left over for a good couple of demijohns where I add raisins and bananas to
make my dessert apple sauterne style wine.
This was
not their best year. They need warmth, plenty moisture, feeding and sunshine as
they are very vigorous growers. They need plenty of large leaves to make food
to swell up the pumpkins. I did get the numbers expected, but not at a decent
size and there was never enough warmth or sunshine to ripen them up to that
brilliant orange colour. I noticed that they were not plentiful in the shops,
and the sizes were poor, but prices a lot higher than normal. I will ripen mine
indoors though it may be a few months before they find the soup pot.
week I manage to get four to six figs just ripe enough to eat. If I leave them
any longer on the bush, botrytis will start to rot them. I still have a few
left but unless that Indian summer appears it will be hard to get them ripened.
However growth has been good so some late summer pruning was carried out to
help initiate small fig buds which will carry over to fruit next year.
This is
another crop that needs warmth and sunshine.

Flame, my red seedless has been a total failure
and produced no grapes at all from two rods.
Perlette, my white muscat flavoured seedless grape
produced many huge bunches, but struggled to ripen. Some of the grapes split
allowing botrytis to gain a hold, but these were removed as soon as seen. Many
grapes dropped off during the ripening period, but those bunches that did ripen
gave a fantastic flavoured grape well worth all the trouble.
Brant, my outdoor black grape is giving a nice
crop of small bunches, some of which are slowly ripening so they may have to be
picked over a few weeks. These will be kept to make a delicious grape juice
that can be stored in plastic bottles and frozen to be used at any time.
I must
have lost my local blackbird as he was always the first to start sampling them
and picking was necessary before he ate the lot. Either he is no longer with
us, or he thinks they are just not ready yet.
Plant of the week
Lamium White Nancy is a ground cover hardy perennial plant that
loves to brighten up a shady spot in the garden, growing to 6 to 9 inches tall.
It will grow in any soil that retains moisture but does not get waterlogged.
Although it belongs to the nettle family it has no stings. Propagate it easily
by cuttings, division or let it run over the soil where the stems will root on
contact with the soil. It has dense variegated foliage that smothers any weeds
trying to grow.
Painting of the Month
“Sweet Peppers” is a still life study with some of
Asda’s best peppers. This painting is one of many studies in watercolour and
acrylic of still life with peppers, mushrooms, cape gooseberries, grapes,
bananas and summer fruits. Some of them will be on exhibition at Dundee Art
Society winter exhibition in Roseangle Gallery from 2nd to 5th
November, together with many more beautiful paintings from the members.
Sunday, 21 October 2012
I had a very pleasant hour sat on the patio having my afternoon coffee break in
full sun. It was pleasantly very warm. Then just when I thought summer was
about to have a late flurry the following day the heavens opened up and we had flooding
and a severe weather warning. I think we are now definitely in autumn,
therefore my gardening thoughts turn to tidying up the last of the summer
flowers and looking ahead to next years fruit, flowers and vegetables.
This is
the time to do a final clear up of weeds before we spread compost over beds and
borders before the leaves fall and early bulbs start to pop up. Weed control
this year has been different. The cool wet weather has discouraged weed growth,
so there was not a huge problem provided you watched weather forecasts and were
able to weed on those few dry days. However many people just did not get enough
dry days to hoe or spray, so the few weeds that did grow became a big problem.
We are still getting very wet weather so end of season weeding means removing
weeds rather than hoeing or spraying. This will give us clean ground for bulb
planting, compost spreading or planting new trees, shrubs, roses or other
bedding plants are now finished so these can be removed and chopped up before
adding to the compost heap. Remove old potting compost from tubs and baskets
add it to the compost heap, though I often reuse this after adding some extra
fresh compost and some fertiliser. I purchased some rock dust so I will be
adding this as I go. Check all old compost for vine weevil maggots and kill
these if spotted. They love fuchsias, begonias and busy lizzies, but don’t seem
to bother geraniums much. If you are replanting with spring bedding the vine
weevils love polyanthus and primroses, but will also have a go at pansies.

Tuberous begonias can be lifted and dried off in an
airy shed after knocking some of the soil off. The tops can be composted. Keep
checking the corms for signs of vine weevils which burrow into the tuber to
feed. When it is drying off they are easy to spot as the holes are moist.
Begonias keep from year to year and get bigger unless you cut them in half in
spring from time to time.
Spring bedding
I replant
my tubs, baskets, pots and beds with wallflower, pansies, myosotis and
polyanthus. Tulips and hyacinths are used in between the plants. I prefer to
use the tall Darwin hybrids or fosteriana tulips amongst wallflower, but dwarf early
tulips under the others, so they don’t get shaded out with excess foliage. I
seldom use triumph, parrot or lily flowered tulips as these are too late for
spring bedding mixtures, but are fine on their own in borders.
Now is a
perfect time to top up with other spring flowering bulbs such as crocus,
snowdrops and daffodils. I have often got good bargains at the end of the bulb
planting season when garden centres want to clear the shelves for Christmas
gifts, but always make sure the bulbs are still healthy.
Iceland poppies are one of my favourite spring
flowers which continue right into summer with bright dazzling flowers. These
are now ready for planting from seed sown in late spring.

I intended to use the Councils Discovery compost, but got turned away as the weighbridge closes down for lunch and I got chased off the site. They are also closed all weekend.
Dundee Council not want to offer the public any compost? It is not easy to buy
plants get collars to keep out rootfly maggots and netted against pigeons.
Plant of the week
Desfontainia spinosa is a slow growing evergreen shrub
ultimately reaching two metres. It is happy on a wide variety of soils and is
fine in semi shade. Coming from Chile and Peru it grows in fertile rain forests
but with good drainage and enjoys constant wet conditions. It should feel
perfectly at home in Scotland. It has holly type leaves but it produces many very
attractive single red tubular flowers with golden tips.
Tuesday, 16 October 2012
person I speak to about their apples, plums and pears seem to have a story to
tell, and none of them are positive. The keen gardener can dig, drain, manure
and cultivate his soil to improve it as necessary. We can buy strong healthy
plants of good varieties. We can provide shelter and irrigation (in a dry year)
but we can’t do a thing about the weather. I am very conscious that this year
almost every article has had a reference to how the weather has adversely
affected most flowers, fruit and vegetables. Now it is time to assess how the
top fruit has fared in this unusual climate.
I grow
six varieties of apples though next year it will be nine once my new grafts
start to fruit. I also have a huge thirty year old plum tree, a pear tree with four
varieties grafted onto it and of course my peach tree. I am sure my experience
this year will sound familiar with many others all over UK.
That wonderful sunny March
growing year started with great promise when the summer arrived in early March
and stayed the whole month. It was very warm and sunny and got many trees off
to a great start.
peaches were the first to flower and although I hand pollinate with a fine
sable brush, there were a few early bees around to assist with the pollination.
I got an excellent fruit set.
The plum
tree was also laden with blossom and bee activity was in evidence. I have a
Berberis darwinii planted underneath it which flowers at the same time. Bees
absolutely adore it so they go for the berberis then fly up to the plum for a
wee change of diet. Everything looked great.
If this
is the effect of global warming in Scotland, fantastic!!!
Into April, but winter’s not yet
We all
got fooled. Winter came back, temperatures dropped and the rain came on, and
never went off. In fact it is now October and it is still raining!!! The pear
tree varieties Conference and Comice came into flower in early April brought
forward by the brilliant March, but the bees had disappeared so pollination
never happened. However some people have had good pear tree pollination with
good crops. Results are very variable.
The plum
tree flowers never had a chance. Instead of my normal one hundred plus plums I
only found two that survived. It did not take long to bring in that harvest and
this year there was no risk of me falling out of the tree trying to reach that
gorgeous Victoria plum hanging at the end of a long branch at the top of the
trees were a beautiful sight on a few sunny days towards the end of April and
did manage to get pollinated. The pollen has to grow down the flower pistil to
the ovaries to fertilise the embryo and needs mild conditions. It did not get
this so a successful fruit set was very patchy.
apples were quite good except for Fiesta a biennial bearer in its off year so
no surprise there. Though to be fair getting about twenty large apples in its
off year was quite pleasing.
was the big disappointment with only about a 20% fruit set, and the fruit is
small and misshapen. Apple seed produce growth hormones to swell the fruit. If
some of the seed is infertile because it never got fertilised then that part of
the fruit does not develop and results in a lumpy misshapen fruit.
A cold and wet summer
crops of Oslin, Discovery, Red Falstaff and Red Devil gave a lot of early
promise, but constant rainfall together with cool weather allowed brown rot to
attack the fruit and take out a lot of fruit, especially the Oslin. Then fruit
cracking affected a lot of the Discovery. Cracking can start with very small
fruit affected by a late frost, or too much water. This causes the fruit to
swell faster than the skin can grow so a small crack appears. Discovery is
quite resistant to scab, but in this very wet year scab gained a hold and the scabs
can cause cracks to form often allowing brown rot fungus to enter. In a normal
year Discovery is one of the best early apples for our area. The poor fruit
harvest in 2012 has affected growers all over the UK as well as Europe and the
However Red
Devil and Red Falstaff are the success stories as neither has been troubled too
much, though sweetness and flavour are not at their best.
My good
crop of peaches slowly succumbed to the wet weather and one by one the fruit
rotted and fell off, though we did get a few sweet juicy survivors.
Plant of the week
Nerine bowdenii commonly known as the Guernsey Lily provides
a very welcome splash of bright pink flowers from September to the end of
October. They come from South Africa so prefer to grow in full sun. They need
good drainage and are quite happy in poor to normal garden soils that can
retain moisture. Good soil only encourages foliage at the expense of flowers.
Once planted leave them undisturbed for many years as they flower best when
overcrowded. Bulbs planted in autumn should be mulched for winter protection in
the first couple of years, or plant them in spring. The foliage appears in
spring and grows through summer, then dies down just before flowering.
Sunday, 7 October 2012
prospect of an Indian summer was always high in our hopes to make up for an
otherwise mediocre summer to put it mildly. However gales and floods were on
the menu, so the sun lounger has now been stored away till 2013 which I am sure
is bound to be a good year.
plants however, do not give up so easily and will continue to push out some
flowers at every opportunity. It is very pleasant to wander around the garden
when that elusive sun nips out for the occasional half hour and just see what
nature provides.
Confused plants
The weird
weather has confused the garden plants just as much as humans. However we have
papers and television to inform us what is going on. They get no guidance so
expect the unusual.
Just like
last year, my brilliant white Hellebores, (Christmas Rose) started to flower in
September with green flowers, so looks like I have lost another year with this
little beauty which normally sits outside my patio windows in full flower in
the middle of winter.

poppies and even my Delphiniums are having a second go at flowering, though
both put on magnificent displays in early to mid summer.
Honorine Jobert just keeps on flowering, though the early flush at the end of
summer was brilliant. They just keep going.
Mrs Popple can always be relied upon to flower till the first frosts appear.
This year it has given us a lot of very tasty fruit to eat. If you have not
tried it, give it a go. They are quite edible and different from other sweeter
summer fruits.
Back on
the allotment, one lady had a few onions run to seed. These were left to develop
into huge purple balls of colour which Helen had cut to take to school to show
her pupils how plants grow.
Normal late flowering plants.

Sweet peas on my allotment were ok, but the variety I
chose for being highly scented did not have a good colour range. However my
next door neighbour Lynn had an excellent show which I managed to get a good
picture from. Sweet peas have been good this year.

Plant of the week
Houttuynia is a brightly coloured foliage plant growing
about a foot tall. It is a herbaceous perennial that loves moist, even boggy
soil and well placed around the edge of a pond. It will thrive in shade to full
sun preferring clay soils which hold moisture. The species, H. cordata can
become invasive but the variety Chameleon is less vigorous and makes a bright
splash of colour.
It is
easy to propagate by division.
It comes
from Japan, Korea and China where it grows in moist shade.
Vietnam the leaves are used as a vegetable, the Chinese cook and eat the roots
and the Japanese use the foliage for a herbal tea tonic. The plant has featured
for years in traditional Chinese medicine and now it extracts from the plant
are being studied by scientists for use against numerous ailments.
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