Easter holidays certainly brought in a change in the weather. While we were
moaning about the cool spring in early April, all of a sudden the summer
arrived as the cold winds subsided. As the sun came out the garden responded in
all its glory as everything seemed to want to flower at the same time. Spring
bedding, tulips, daffodils, ground cover candytuft and aubretia, numerous
shrubs and trees in flower together made a huge floral display. However there
is always a down side.
Victoria plum tree is putting on a spectacular display covered in a mass of
flowers, but screaming out to get pollinated so it can produce a crop. Last
year one solitary bee spent several days up my tree and I got a brilliant crop.
He never came back this year and none of his mates are around either. The plum
is flowering later this year and there are so many plants in full flower that
what few bees are around are spoiled for choice and it seems the plum is not
their favourite.
Only time
will tell if my flowers get pollinated and the huge potential plum harvest
berberis darwinii planted below my plum tree is usually favourite for
attracting bees, but although it is full of dazzling bright orange flowers I
can see no bees on it this year.
I have
not seen such a wealth of spring flowers on garden shrubs for a long time.
it is the rhododendrons and azaleas that give us spectacular displays, but this
year everything seems to be at its best.

have always been an essential garden shrub. They are attractive all year round
with their glossy evergreen leaves then in spring get covered in white, pink or
scarlet flowers. Like rhododendrons and azaleas they like acid soils, mulching
with leafmold and a well drained but moist soil in a dappled shade location.
Some can grow quite tall attaining small tree status so allow them plenty of
room, though they can be pruned after flowering to control size.
are also putting on a great show this spring. The smaller magnolia stellata can
always be relied on to give a great display of pure white flowers, but if you
can spare the room the much bigger magnolia soulangeana can create massive
impact for a good couple of weeks. The large goblet shaped flowers come in
white, pink and purple shades. This plant will grow into a large spreading tree
so only plant it if you can spare the room. However it can be pruned to reduce
size after flowering, but this will also cut out some of the following years
come in a range of sizes and shapes with the variety tomentosum mariesii and
Lanarth having horizontal branches covered in white flowers. Several types such
as carlesii, juddii and carlecephalum all have pure white rounded heads of
highly scented flowers. They may not be spectacular but the scent makes growing
these ones very worthwhile.

these are all ornamental, Amelanchier alnifolia is the large fruiting type
which still has masses of white flowers, but these then produce ample fruit
crops to harvest.
One of
the best forms of flowering quince is chaenomeles Crimson and Gold with scarlet
flowers. The bush produces several large quince fruits which can be used to
make jelly, liqueurs and marmalade. The fruit is very high in pectin and
vitamin c, but is best used after it has been frosted to make it softer.
favourite golden flowered shrub in spring is Kerria japonica which gets
smothered in small yellow flowers packed along arching branches. It is also
very attractive in winter with its bright green stems. It will grow six foot
tall but cut out some older shoots each year after flowering.
If you
have poor dry soil a perfect choice would be some of the Cistus shrubs with
white, pink or scarlet flowers. These only grow a few feet tall but are
evergreen, so are great for dry ground cover and smothering out weeds. Other
spring flowering shrubs that do well on dry soil is the Senecios as well as all
members of the broom and gorse family. The best of these include Cytisus
praecox and the dwarf Spanish gorse bush Genista hispanica.
Plant of the week
Aubretia may well be common as muck, and it was always
present in everybody’s garden in St. Marys, but it did give a great display
flowering together with white candytuft and the golden alyssum saxatile. They
were a great ground cover on banks and cascading over walls and wee bits pulled
off and given to a neighbour always seemed to grow. They are also a great backdrop
to displays of tulips and daffodils. Aubretia comes in a range of warm colours
from deep red, pinks and mauves.