There is
a flurry of activity all over the garden as plants leap into growth taking
advantage of any sunny days. The ground has dried up just fine and now allows
seed sowing and planting of a whole range of plants. Spring flowers are now
brightening up the gardens with daffodils and narcissi at their best. The early
tulip Scarlet Baby is one of my first to bloom, and although it is a dwarf
variety the intense red colour is very dramatic. Hyacinths left over from tubs
planted up in previous years and planted in my herbaceous border and where ever
I find gaps are now in full flower and fill the air with their scent. Some of
these were planted in my coloured stem winter garden in between the Kerria,
Cornus and Salix. The latter two have started to grow so now is the time I lop
the shoots down to ground level so they can grow again from the stool. This
clearing of the winter garden allows the hyacinths and tulips to develop and
flower without competition from vigorous tall shrubs. Last year the Cornus and
Salix put on excellent growth, so I now have great sticks to support my pea
crop on the allotment.
On a
larger scale the bright yellow Forsythia and the scarlet flowered quince
Cydonia japonica are putting on a great show, but my Camellias are not far
behind as both the pink Donation and red Adolphe Audusson have opened the first
cherry trees are also creating a great display and my dwarf dessert cherry
Cherokee is bursting with blossom, promising an excellent crop.
outdoor peach Peregrine has plenty of strong flowers this year so I will have
to hand pollinate them as there is not too many flying insects around. The tree
has had two sprays of copper fungicide last month so I am hoping peach leaf
curl can be kept at bay.

existing vines were well established years ago so I think they will be just
around the garden it is not just the plants that are putting on growth but the
weeds have also started to gain strength. The first ones on my garden are
usually the speedwells and pennycress left over from last autumn as it was too
wet to hoe them successfully. It is still too damp to hoe so hand weeding will
have to be done. These weeds are all annuals so perfect for the compost heap.
Windowsill gardening
all have their season, so sowing and starting off plants has still gone ahead
as normal, but not having a greenhouse has put a huge strain on windowsill
space. The tougher plants such as geraniums, sweet peas, broad beans and
fuchsias have been outside on every opportunity to harden them off. This leaves
windowsill free for my tomatoes, lettuce, beetroot, spring onions and a batch
of forty chrysanthemum cuttings. The stools have been outdoors since January
but did not suffer in our mild winter, so they are giving me plenty of
cuttings. However once the chrysanthemums root they will need potting up into
bigger pots and require more space.
To be on
the safe side I decided to construct a temporary cold frame.
I turned
and flattened my compost heap to help generate some heat, covered the surface
with a membrane and erected polythene sheeting over it raised a couple of feet.
It is now full of very happy plants. I am hoping my new greenhouse comes soon
as tomatoes have been pricked out into cellular trays and will soon grow too
big for my windowsill.
begonias have been boxed up and placed on polythene in a light warm room. They
grow quite slow at first so should be happy for the next few weeks.
Plant of the week
Puschkinia, the striped squill grows naturally in the
eastern Mediterranean. Although it likes a moist but well drained soil rich in
organic matter while growing and flowering, it prefers a hot dry summer to
ripen off the bulbs. These lie dormant till the following spring when the pale
blue flowers emerge in March. They can be grown from seed or bought in as bulbs
in autumn.
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