germination of seeds on allotments and in the greenhouse can vary according to
many different factors. We have been blessed with a long dry spell and a
reasonably mild Easter, and just as the soil was getting a bit too dry down
came the rains. Perfect timing!!! As this begins to dry out the soil surface,
it makes the rough ground a lot easier to break down into a deep tilth. I like
to cultivate the surface a couple of
inches deep to create a good crumbly tilth, then rake it level before adding
some fertiliser and starting to sow seeds. Rake the fertiliser into the surface
before marking out the rows for sowing. We have to provide the best conditions
for seed sowing as nowadays seed packets have an absolute minimalistic quantity
of seeds in them.
I try to
keep to my four year rotation to minimise the impact of pests and diseases
which can build up if you grow the same crop on the same patch every year.
However difficulties occur with the brassica family. The kale, cabbage,
cauliflower and Brussels sprouts all go together as they all suffer the same
wide range of pests and diseases, but other vegetables such as radish are
treated as salads in the rotation, and turnip and Swedes are root crops in the
My answer
to the problem is to intercrop my radish for spring sowing in between other
brassicas before they need the space.
Later on
put them between young overwintering spring cabbage and cauliflower.
I now
only grow club root resistant varieties of swede such as Gowrie and Marion, so
these can safely go with the other root crops. Purple Top Milan and Golden Ball
turnip are the odd couple that I put with my root crops as their soil needs are
the same as other root crops, i.e. they need fertile soil that was manured for
a previous crop such as peas, beans or onions. They are a quick summer catch
crop that do not stay in the ground very long and this is the drier season,
(sometimes) so minimises the risk of clubroot reinfection. Maybe one day
someone will breed clubroot resistance into these summer turnips as well as
mustard green manures.

are a special case because of carrot fly infestations which are just about
impossible to avoid on an allotment site. I grow mine in a bed system of three
rows six inches apart and cover them early with fleece. It worked just fine
till our local allotment cat thought the fleece would make a nice hammock for a
catnap, and a handy scratching pole. The carrot foliage pushed through the
holes and stopped any carrot flies entering so saving my crop.
Peas are
sown in very fertile land in six inch wide rows two inches deep. I space the
peas about two inches apart. There is plenty of varieties to choose from,
though I tend to stick to my old favourites, Kelvedon Wonder and Hurst Green
such as poppies, godetia, cosmos, cornflower, candytuft and Livingston daisies
can be sown direct into borders where they are to flower, or they can be
started in cellular trays then planted out when big enough.
myosotis and Iceland poppies are treated as biennials to be sown now then lined
out in nursery lines till autumn. Transplant them in October to beds and
borders where they will flower next spring.
Plant of the week

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