Weather on Tayside
has been perfect for gardening these last few weeks. We have had enough
rainfall to moisten the soil, followed by some dry warm
Anna weeding the flower border at City Road Allotments |
days to catch up on
planting and sowing.
Blackcurrants in flower |
Green manure crops
of tares and clover sown last autumn have all been dug in. Their fibrous root
system has been great for breaking up the soil and it has been easy to get a
good deep surface tilth.
Lettuce, radish,
spring onions, beetroot and rocket were all sown several weeks ago in the
greenhouse in cellular trays to give me strong plug plants for planting. They
were planted in the shelter of my south facing allotment fence (sheets of corrugated
iron) to give them ideal conditions for rapid growth so harvesting can begin in
a few weeks time for some, though the beetroot takes a wee while longer. These
salads will be followed by more of the same sown direct outdoors to give a
succession of cropping. I have extended the salad sowings to include a row of
Red Veined Sorrel, Rainbow Chard and Spinach Matador.
Turnip Golden ball
for summer picking and Swede Best of All for cropping in autumn and winter were
also sown. Other root crops included Beetroot Detroit, and Cylindra,
Chrysanthemums just planted |
Albion and Student. Parsnips are slow to germinate so it is necessary to mark
the rows and as I have found germination to be a bit erratic I sow the seeds
thicker than normal. If I get a good germination they can easily be thinned
out. I am also trying out some Salsify, a root crop I grew forty years ago, so
thought I would try it again. A row of Carrot Nantes has been sown in between
four rows of onions in the hope of escaping the attention of carrot fly. These
onion sets planted in mid April are now all growing strongly. I have two
varieties, Centurion and Stuttgarter Giant for comparison.
Leeks sown in early
March are all through the ground but still quite small as good warm growing
weather has been in short supply.
Broad beans |
Potatoes are all
through and although they were earthed up against a late frost a few weeks ago
they now need another final earthing up.
Strawberry flowers in May |
Broad bean Aquadulce
sown in early March was a fast grower so quickly hardened off and got planted
out in mid April. They are well established but need constant checking for pea
and bean weevils, where one or two can be found on nearly all plants.
Sweet corn
Incredible sown two months ago grew quickly, to allow planting of good sized
plants two months later. They like fertile soil and a fair spacing to achieve
good sized cobs.
Thinning turnip seedlings |
Brussels sprouts Crispus,
Cabbage Kilaton and Cauliflower Clapton were all sown carefully in the best
conditions to achieve maximum germination. They are all clubroot resistant and
seem to be very expensive as there are only 20 seeds in each packet. The
cabbage and cauliflower were sown in batches of ten seeds each with the rest to
be sown a couple of months later to give successional cropping.
Cut flower plants
such as Sweet peas, Gladioli and Chrysanthemums are important to add colour to
the plot as well as flowers for the house, and the allotment plot has a flower
border that is just a riot of colour with tulips and daffodils creating a
dramatic spring display.
Strawberries, gooseberries,
blackcurrants, redcurrants and bramble Helen are now all flowering and looking
good. One row of strawberries is under tunnels, but these have to be opened to
allow pollinating insects to find them as well as letting in some of our heavy
summer showers. Last year I picked my first strawberry at the end of this
month, but as the season is running three to four weeks late I may have to wait
till June for my first berry, unless the jet stream moves north and lets in
some warm sunny weather from the south. Fingers crossed!!!
Wee jobs to do this week
Mixed Tulips |
Tulips may have had a late but brilliant spring but now they are going over
it is time to dead head them so the plant can retain its energy for building up
a good bulb to flower next year. Those bulbs grown in tubs which are to be
replaced with summer bedding plants, can be carefully lifted with a good ball
of soil and replanted in a border to add colour in following years.