dry but cool weather brings in our spring the early bulbs are putting
on a brilliant display. As most folk are in deep isolation to avoid
the coronavirus the bright splash of colour really keeps us in high
Every year in autumn I have always splashed out on spring
flowering bulbs, as I find it hard to resist and there is always some
spot in the garden in need of a bit of extra colour. Over the years
these bulbs have formed large drifts, but still I find space for a
few more. We can then look forward to spring to see how the latest
bulbs perform. Some start off in tubs amongst wallflowers, pansies
and polyanthus, but then once their flowering season ends and the
summer bedding takes over, the bulbs while still growing can get
replanted in some border. When the spring flowers are at their best
in April and May this is a good time to see how the bulb planting has
performed, and make plans for any adjustments next autumn. I have a
few drifts of white and yellow tulips really needing a few reds and
mauve to balance the drift. I had a nice mixture of dwarf early
tulips amongst my roses, but several have died out and only the
yellow survives so need a few other
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Tulips with Doronicums and Phlox |
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Tulip Monsella |
in autumn. Two years ago I bought some narcissus Dick Wilden but the
gorgeous double flower is so heavy the stems cannot support then and
they break so they will get replaced.
Another area of mixed crocus
planted last autumn had white, purple and striped flowers but no
crocus. I expected a mixed batch to have yellow as well as all the
others so I will buy some yellow crocus to balance out the drift. A
similar purchase of 100 mixed Darwin Hybrid tulips was a bit one
sided with 80 of them all white. In future I will buy in separate
colours and mix my own.
The show stopper this spring
has been tulip Red Emperor flowering in early April, but then in late
April the Darwin Hybrids Apeldoorn and Golden Apeldoorn kept the
display in top form. The first tulip is always Scarlet Baby flowering
in March followed by Stressa in early to mid April. Then
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Scarlet admiring the tulips |
numerous other spring bulbs
pop up including the scented hyacinths, grape hyacinths, Chionodoxa
and the other blue flowered Anemone blanda. All the while daffodils
and narcissi are flowering. They start off with February Gold which
was very late this year coming in early April, then the Golden
Harvest, Mount Hood, my favourite white scented white trumpet
daffodil. The highly
scented Jonquills and
Cheerfulness group didn’t flower till near the end of April.
City Council always puts on a great display of daffodils and crocus
along highway grass verges all over the town planted many years ago
in times when it was fashionable to spend money on flowers to
brighten up the town for residents and visitors. Dundonians were very
proud of their floral achievements in Parks, housing
estates and
highway verges with ample well trained gardeners to look after them.
Unfortunately gardening is no longer looked upon as worthwhile
career, so there is no more flowers, the grass grows long but looks
natural and weeds are left alone in the back to nature move.
Horticulture has become a victim of Council cut backs.
Narcissus February Gold at Lansdown Gardens |
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Tulip Stressa and pansies |
for some of us, the old traditions are maintained but in our gardens
and allotments. The beauty of our displays of spring colour can be
seen by those few hardy souls out for a days exercise jogging or dog
walking past our gardens and allotments. Fortunately there was no cut
backs at City Road Allotments and our spring display along the
entrance border and a few other plots backing onto City Road is
looking fantastic. It was not long before other plot holders
appreciated the
benefits of floral displays
and now many plots are adding flowers in borders, troughs and tubs.
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Hardening off onions and salads |
jobs to do this week
Take advantage of
warmer days to get a few greenhouse plants hardened off. A few weeks
back it was the broad beans, sweet peas and chrysanthemums that were
first to get hardened off and now these are all in the ground.
Geraniums can now go outdoors as well as early sown salads of
lettuce, radish, spring onions and beetroot, but keep checking the
weather forecasts in case there is a late frost and crops have to go
back indoors over night. Onions grown from seed are also getting
hardened off for planting towards the end of April.