I first came across irises when I got my first allotment garden at
Stirling Park on the side of Dundee’s Law Hill. There was a beautiful row of
blue coloured English iris well established along the main garden path. To add
to the show I had bought some Dutch iris bulbs though these flowered after the
English iris. Later in 1969 while studying at Essex Institute of Agriculture in
Chelmsford we got involved in breeding flowers of the large and very colourful
bearded iris. I got hooked and now iris is on my must have plant list.
Bearded iris
Iris comes in a range of types and sizes. The most popular are the tall
bearded iris, Iris germanica, also known as flag iris with thousands of
different varieties available most of which are scented. They are always
available in garden centres, though there are several specialists where you can
get the very best varieties but usually at a higher price. These iris grow from
rhizomes and are best planted in autumn. They like to be in the sun in fertile
soil that is well drained and either neutral to slightly alkaline in pH. When
planting keep the rhizomes on the soil surface as they will rot if planted
Established clumps will need splitting up and replanting every three
years or so.
English and
Dutch Iris
The English and Dutch iris grows from bulbs, usually planted about six
inches deep in autumn. The yellow,
white, purple and blue flowers open in summer growing up to two feet tall. The
English types are very hardy and can be left to form large clumps over several
years before they need lifting and replanting. However the Dutch iris are best
treated like a tulip by planting them in autumn, then lifting them in summer
after the leaves have died down. They can be stored in a cool shaded place.
Bog and pond
garden iris
Although most iris prefer drier soil and a warm sunny sheltered spot
there is even an iris for the less sunny and more moist garden. Iris sibirica prefers a more permanently
moist soil associated with pond fringes, but do not plant it in very wet soil
otherwise it will rot.
Iris sibirica flowers in summer with blue, purple and white flowers up to
2.5 feet tall.
Rock garden
The rock garden is also well catered for with a range of dwarf irises
most of which flower in late February to March. These all prefer a well drained
soil in full sun and it is important that the ground is very well drained in
winter. It is a good idea to incorporate grit as well as some well rotted
garden compost into the soil before planting. Iris reticulata and iris histrioides
grows about six inches tall with blue flowers. Iris danfordiae grows the same
size but has yellow flowers.
Plant of the week
Lily (Schizostylus coccinea) is also related to the iris family. It is a semi evergreen herbaceous
perennial growing in clumps about 24 inches tall with white, pink and red
flowers in late autumn and early winter. It prefers moist but well drained
fertile soil and a warm sheltered aspect in full sun. It is fairly hardy in
most winters.