Monday 25 January 2021

First flowers appear

 Snowdrops and aconites are coming into flower despite a few frosty nights, but then we are in a short dry spell as snow bypasses Dundee again.

Continue to work on winter landscapes at the easel with a snow scene on the Cottage in Glen Clova.

Early snowdrops

Winter aconites

Cottage in Glen Clova

Friday 15 January 2021

Winter Landscape Paintings of Scotland

 A new project to start 2021 is my plan to paint a series of Scottish landscapes in winter followed by a few allotment plots in winter. These will be based on images from my City Road Allotment Gardens. I have already done about 20 allotment plots in all seasons, but these will all be snow pictures 

Glencoe Village with the Paps of Glencoe in winter

Winter in Glen Clova looking towards Glen Doll

Auchmithie in Winter

Loch Fyne

Friday 1 January 2021

End of a Turbulent year

 Most folks will be glad to see the end of 2020, to be remembered as the year Covid virus emerged and infected people all around the world. We all endured a year of isolation to prevent the virus spreading, but I feel I was one of the lucky ones. Although in lockdown all year, I have a big garden and allotment for fresh fruit and vegetables, so exercise and a healthy diet keeps us strong, and at home in my studio an artist is at peace in the world of artistic creativity.
My last three paintings finished for 2020 are shown below.

Random Thoughts

Journey into Colour

Two are semi abstracts and one a winter snow scene landscape in the Spittal of Glenshee. This view was taken from the back of the Spittal of Glenshee Hotel before it got burnt down.

Spittal of Glenshee


Monday 21 December 2020

Three figure studies

December was a very wet month so the garden got a rest and I spent some time at the easel.

Three figure studies completed using the contrasts of light against dark with both sunlight and studio lighting. The first study was Enjoying the Sun

The next study Into the Night was indoors using back lighting and the last one was Time to Relax.

Enjoying the Sun     

Time to Relax

Into the Night

Thursday 10 December 2020

That Loving Feeling acrylc painting


John completes the painting, "That Loving Feeling".

Rain arrived as forecast, so no gardening today. Time to relax, so after putting up the Xmas tree and lights I got out this painting in need of updating which I started some time ago. Reckon it has to be finished now, so it got signed (the last bit of paint) Yesterday it was cold but dry so it was up to the allotment to put a new felt covering on the roof as water leeking in was very serious. Help arrived to get it completed before the sun set. Brilliant teamwork. Ronnie nailed around the sides, I nailed the roof and Robert kept us supplied with materials. I think now that the Xmas tree is up, the lights on, the shed waterproof and my painting complete only task left is to open that bottle of Dalwhinnie Winters Gold. Well it is the festive season.

Thursday 5 November 2020

Art Exhibition in Dundee

 Dundee Art Society are holding their winter exhibition, just in time for Christmas at their Roseangle Gallery.  Exhibition starts on Saturday 21 November and runs every day till Saturday 28 November 2020.

Open from 11am till 5pm every day. This is an open exhibition showing both members and non members paintings. Please drop in and browse our artwork. My three submissions are shown here. The Lady in Red in the Higb Street shows H Samuel the jeweler  with their clock, a favourite spot for Dundonians to meet up.

Autumn Colour in Benvie

Lady in Red in the High Street

Birch Copse

Friday 30 October 2020

Five Figure Studies

 Five Figure Studies

These five studies were started many years ago to enhance my creativity to produce several different paintings from one image source.

Warm Tones

Lady in Blue

The Black Dress

Pastel Shades

The Red Stole

Saturday 24 October 2020

 A few days before Halloween is a perfect time to harvest this year's crop of pumpkins. I got 6 fruit from 4 plants and two of them are enormous. That will stretch Anna's kitchen skills to provide roasted pumpkin, soup and sauce for pasta, stir fries, etc.

Pumpkins now in store

As day lengths get shorter garden activities start to reduce and that gives me more time to get the brushes out and start some new paintings.
Light on the Loch acrylic painting

Just completed an acrylic landscape at Loch Earn, called "Light on the Loch"
Now started another winter scene of Arthurs Plot up at City Road Allotments.

Tuesday 29 September 2020


                                                          PLANTS FOR SPRING 

As the summer flowers begin to fade we look ahead to next year for the spring flower displays. This is the time to organise the planting of wallflower, pansies, polyanthus, myosotis and bulbs of numerous kinds including daffodils, tulips, hyacinths, crocus, snowdrops and aconites. Hanging baskets are perfect for pansies and polyanthus.

Tulip Red Emperor

I make mine up then keep them over the winter in a cold greenhouse. This protection helps to bring them into flower a few weeks earlier than if left outside, but keep a lookout for greenfly and black spot fungal disease and spray with a combined insecticide and fungicide recommended for roses. Baskets can go back outside in March as the greenhouse starts to fill with other plants. Flower pots, tubs and borders can have any spring bedding plants but only use wallflower where height is not a problem. The flower displays benefit from under planting with tulips.

Use the taller Darwin Hybrid tulips such as the red Apeldoorn and Golden Apeldoorn with wallflower, but with other low growing bedding such as pansies it is better to choose a dwarf tulip such as the dwarf double, Red Riding Hood, Abba, Negrita, Sun Lover and Peach Blossom. If you want to start the show early try Scarlet Baby which will flower in March same time as many saxifrages so try grouping these together. Good tulips to follow these are the Fosteriana Red Emperor and the white Purissima, both quite early and the latter claimed to be scented, but I have never detected any scent on mine. However for a good scent use some hyacinths such as the red Jan Bos, Pink Pearl or Delf Blue,especially in tubs around doorways and on the patio where the scent will be noticed and appreciated. Both daffodils and narcissus come with scent and several are quite strong.

Tulip Showcase

The Jonquills and Cheerfulness are well scented as are large trumpet white flowered Mount Hood. These bulbs can all be retained next year after flowering as it is easy to find a spot for them in flower borders and amongst deciduous shrubs and trees. However it is the snowdrops that start the show in early February, but in these recent times of mild winters they are often in flower in December in sheltered spots. Plant these in decent sized drifts spacing the bulbs about four inches apart. In time they soon reseed themselves and the drifts intensify and get bigger. Snowdrops are followed by the yellow aconites, Eranthus hyemalis, which are quick to spread and develop large intense drifts as they produce ample seeds which germinate readily.


 However watch them carefully as in the first year they only produce seed leaves and in the second year produce one single leaf. However patience is rewarded as they flower in the third year. Crocus planted in large drifts make the next garden display. I can find a space somewhere every year for planting more crocus. I often use them amongst tubs of pansies then after flowering they get replanted in borders. Another three favourite dwarf bulbs to add to the show are the blue flowered Chionodoxa, Anemone blanda and Grape Hyacinths. All of these bulbs lend themselves to companion planting. I also buy in some Oriental Lilies every autumn and these have their own border, but as they flower in summer I like to plant them amongst grape hyacinths and tulips and gladioli. They are all happy together each planted at different depths and give us a display from spring with the grape hyacinths and tulips then in summer with the lilies and gladioli.

Other excellent companion planting is dwarf tulips in the rose bed and dwarf red tulips amongst drifts of yellow Doronicums. 

Wee jobs to do this week 

Geranium cutting

 Lift End of September is a good time to take some geranium cuttings from strong stocky plants in beds, tubs and hanging baskets. Break off the top three inches of shoots and insert into cellular trays with potting compost with added grit for good drainage. Keep in a cool greenhouse but protected from sun, then in November transfer to a windowsill for over wintering. Once rooted they will continue to grow so remove flowers and the growing point to encourage branching and use the removed shoot as another cutting. They will all make sturdy plants for planting out next year. END

Monday 21 September 2020



There has been a very remarkable change in the gardeners weather pattern. Climate change has not only given us mild wetter winters and more summer rainfall, but there has also been a lot more gales to live with. This year raspberry canes got flattened, roses got the flowers blown off and pears and blueberry leaves and young fruit got shrivelled up in the spring and summer gales. Where ever possible garden design can help to mitigate these problems by planting up the perimeters with tall trees and shrubs to give the garden some shelter, especially on the south west side where most prevailing winds come from. During the long periods in lockdown we had more time, to relax in the sun on the patio. However some planting may be required to give us a bit of privacy.

Picking apples and pears

There are any amount of plants that can be used for shelter and privacy, but garden size may well determine what we can use. Trees and shrubs should also have merit of flowers, autumn colour, coloured bark or even edible fruit, and where trespassers may be a problem, go for plants with thorns such as pyracantha, the Firethorn. For the very large gardens mature trees of beech, oak, maple and hornbeam may be fine and if evergreens are preferred use, pine, spruce or cedars.

Eucryphia Rostrevor

My favourite has always been Cedrus atlantica glauca, but I soon realised my wee garden could not contain it once it started to put on a bit of growth. I have never been a lover of hedges, as they are not attractive and need a lot of maintenance, and the one very popular hedging conifer at the top of the hate list is the Leyland cypress, unfortunately still a favourite for those without a clue. A few other on my hate list is holly and Berberis darwinii with spiky leaves a nightmare when hand weeding close by, and Cotoneaster simonsii which seeds profusely all over the garden.

Japanese maple Acer Sango Kaku

However many tall shrubs will both give shelter as well as fantastic flower displays such as Rhododendrons, Azaleas, Camellias, Escallonia, Philadelphus and Fuchsia Mrs Popple.

The Japanese maple Acer Sango-kaku has brilliant autumn colours as well as bright red stems and the hardy palm Cordyline australis is always a touch of the exotic.

Cordyline australis

Lonicera Baggesons Gold is an attractive evergreen golden shrub about six feet tall, and is so dense it is a favourite for nesting birds. Three small trees excellent for perimeter planting is the white flowered Eucryphia Rostrevor, the upright columnar pink cherry, Prunus Amanogawa, and the golden leaved Robinia frisia.

Most gardens now come with walls and fences around the perimeter and these can support a range of flowering climbers and edible plants. I have been experimenting with hardy grape vines to see what will ripen in Scotland. The variety Brant is tops and although the bunches are not big, they are black, sweet and juicy and the pips are so small they are easy to swallow. Regent and Rondo are fine but need a good autumn to ripen up the grapes. Another very successful exotic is the fig Brown Turkey giving about a hundred fruits each year from a ten year old bush. Other edible fruits can include apples, pears, plums to grow a few metres high, and some come on dwarfing rootstocks to keep size down and some apples come as narrow columnar trees.

Grape vine Brant on wall

For something smaller try

saskatoons, brambles or even a row of raspberries very much at home in Scotland. Our local James Hutton Institute has breeders working on raspberries, blackberries, blackcurrants, blueberries and honey berries. Although plants are bred for commercial markets there is always a spin off for gardeners. Breeder Nikki Jennings latest raspberry to be released is Glen Mor with large sweet berries in early summer, then Lewis and Skye for an autumn crop. Nikki has bred a very promising blackberry with large sweet fruit and is a heavy cropper. It is still being assessed so is not yet named, but make a note of selection number 11. Could make a perfect edible boundary hedge.

Wee jobs to do this week

Apple Starline Firedance

This year apple, plum and pear crops are ripening up a fortnight earlier than last year so keep checking them and harvest any that have ripened up. Cut an apple open and if the seeds are dark brown the fruit will be fine. Apple Oslin ripens at end of August followed by Discovery in mid September. Pears are usually best left about a week in store after picking to let them ripen up.