The very
mild winter has brought spring forward by several weeks so we can now enjoy
those early flowers normally blooming in late March. My established drifts of
crocus started to flower in mid February. They are very hardy and a covering of
snow will not harm them, but a severe frost or cold gale will do them no
favours. North east Scotland seems to have missed most of the very wet weather
affecting the south and west of UK, so our crocus just need a wee bit more sun
to open up the flowers and let us know that spring is just about here.
species grow in many different countries all over the world and now cultivated
varieties have been bred to provide us with very colourful displays in spring
for our gardens.
authorities have also recognised the benefits of enhancing the beauty of the
environment by mass planting crocus in drifts where ever space allows in
verges, roundabouts and parks.
When I
worked in the Darlington Parks Department, many years ago, the council had
established a “Crocus Walk” in a deciduous belt of trees along the main road
into the town. Residents were very proud of this attractive feature and in
autumn several offered funds to extend the crocus displays further into the
town. The council matched this funding and over the next few years our Ring
road grassed reservations received masses of crocus bulbs to brighten up the
town in spring.
flowering it is necessary to leave the foliage alone so it can build up the
corm to a good flowering size for the following year. Usually a period of six
to seven weeks is ample before the leaves can be removed. However in gardens
where crocus is in border soil leave the foliage till they begin to go yellow.
The show
begins with the crocus species flowering about two weeks ahead of the large
flowering hybrids. Cream Beauty and Blue Pearl really go well together, and
enhanced with the pristine white Snow Bunting. Add some stronger colours to add
character such as Ruby Giant and Whitewell Purple.
it is the larger flowered Dutch hybrids that really add impact to spring
displays. Although there are many varieties the most popular come down to a
handful that are hard to beat.
Mammoth must be the biggest and brightest yellow, Joan of Arc the cleanest
white, Flower Record a strong purple and Pickwick has always been my favourite
striped crocus.
Autumn crocus

They can
be planted in drifts in borders or the lawn in good well drained soil and
prefer full sun, though some dappled shade will still be fine. Planting can be
done by splitting up overcrowding clumps immediately after flowering, or plant fresh
new bulbs in summer.
saffron, crocus sativus also flowers in autumn and has been in cultivation for
centuries. However it was not grown for its flower displays but for the world’s
most expensive spice, saffron.
flower produces three long red coloured stigmas which are removed and dried to
make saffron. It is a very slow process as you need a lot of flowers, which
usually only last about two weeks to gain any useful quantity of product. Most
of the world’s saffron is produced in Iran which has the best climate and soils
for its production.
Plant of the week

every so often we get a hard winter which will kill the top right back to
ground level, but do not dig it out as the roots usually survive to throw up new
shoots within the next couple of years. My twelve years old cordyline reached
ten foot tall but then died back in a severe winter. It survived to produce a
cluster of five shoots which are now six foot tall. As this winter has been
very mild it should live another year or more with the promise of global