It seems
a very bizarre situation when I start to write about what is happening in my
world as a gardener but I always begin with a weather report. The performance
of the garden seems to be completely at the mercy of the weather, so I am sure
that my thoughts will resonate with many readers who will also be finding the
same peculiarities in their garden.

A couple
of days of dry weather for us up north allowed us to get all our prunings of
the fruit bushes, shrubs and roses shredded up at City Road allotments. I was a
wee bit concerned about shredding roses and gooseberries because of the thorns,
but the machine totally shredded all stems including vicious thorns, so I was
left with nice heaps of organic materials perfect for mulching or adding to the
compost heap.
Even in
the middle of our winter period a trip to the allotment is not a lonely venture
as the place does not lack activity from numerous keen gardeners enjoying this
mild weather getting on with repairs to fences, sheds, greenhouses, or just
meeting with fellow plot holders to discuss the weather.

flowering half hardy fuchsias got left in the ground as I forgot to lift
them. They should be dead, but oh no,
they are starting to grow again. It is far too early for them, but if we are
lucky and winter gives us a miss they could be a star turn.
usually flower in February. In a good year they will flower in early February,
but a lot later in a bad year. Mine were flowering in early January this year
and looking great.

Indoor activities
This is
an excellent time to take cuttings of grape vines from greenhouse as well as
those outdoors. While I am experimenting with a range of varieties for our
Scottish climate the bushes do need pruning at this time of year and these
pruning are fine for use as cuttings for new stock.
All you
need is a small piece of stem with one or two good buds and insert them into
well drained rooting compost in a propagator with some bottom heat. They should
root after a couple of months, then they can be lifted out for potting up into
small pots. They should grow fairly quickly so will need further potting up
later on.
cactus flowered in early December, but then I dried them off for a winter rest.
However this year they decided to have another go at flowering so now I am
getting the second flush, so it is back to watering, full sun and a wee bit of
cuttings taken last autumn and potted up in November, are now needing spaced
out as they are growing and need to be kept sturdy. I pinched out all the tops
to make them branch and give then an occasional feed to keep them happy.
Plant of the week

will grow on most soils but prefers moist rich soils and is happy in full sun
or shade.
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