is a good time for new plant purchases as the garden centres are usually well
stocked up and with spring just around the corner everyone is eager to get into
the garden.
We tend
to buy a new plant on impulse when we find a gem in flower, then get it home
and look for a spot to plant it in. We don’t always choose its best location,
though most plants can be transplanted at a later date.
aspect to consider is the relationship of the new plant to other plants around
it. A garden display will have more impact if all the plants at their best can
be brought together so that at any time of year there is always some corner that
catches the eye.
We link
bedding plants together for colour harmony and contrast, such as blue petunias
with yellow marigolds when we plant up tubs, hanging baskets and flower beds. Rose
beds are often planted in front of the taller shrub roses with climbing roses
on a fence at the rear, as they will all give their best together in summer.
can also be grouped together in drifts and will flower from late winter with
Erica carnea till autumn with the bright
pink Calluna H E Beale. These associate very well with dwarf azaleas and the
taller deciduous azaleas. Evergreen rhododendrons and camellias belong to this
group in the same flowering season, but are best kept separate as they are
bigger and could overpower the smaller bushes. I like to add dwarf pines
amongst heathers and dwarf azaleas and if the low growing drift needs a bit of
height I use the white stemmed birch, Betula jaquemontii.

locations may have a need for salt spray tolerant plants such as red hot
pokers, senecio, cistus, escallonia, fuchsia, gorse, brooms and many shrub
borders are in flower from early spring with the Doronicums till autumn with
the Michaelmas daisies, so group together those plants with a similar flowering
time. Iris, oriental poppies and pyrethrum all flower in early summer and
create a great impact when grown together.
Add bulbs
There is
hardly any part of the garden that cannot be enhanced with bulbs. Where ever
plants lose their leaves in winter there is scope to plant bulbs to flower,
grow, then die down before the existing plants need the space. Both deciduous
shrubs and herbaceous plants allow scope for snowdrops, crocus and aconites and
if the shrub comes into leaf late then daffodils and early tulips can be used.
flowering forsythia looks great with the very early fosteriana tulip Red
Emperor planted underneath it as they all flower together in most years.
are usually the first bulbs to flower in February. These can go anywhere in sun
or shade and if you can put some under a south facing wall they will start to
flower in late January in a mild winter like this year. They also look great
planted in between a drift of the black grass Ophiopogon where the white
flowers sit on top of the black foliage in complete contrast.

orchard of apples and plums has mass plantings of bluebells which create a
woodland garden effect then die down as the fruit trees begin to grow.
blanda and chionodoxa can carpet the ground in blue flowers in late spring,
then quickly die down in summer so they are the perfect match for planting
underneath cyclamen hederifolium which emerges in late summer, flowers in early
autumn, then retains its leaves over winter, but loses them in spring just when
the other bulbs need the space.
ultimate flower show in spring is the combination of tulips with pansies,
Forget me nots and wallflower where you select for colour contrasts and height.
Later on these bulbs can be planted in other parts of the garden.
Plant of the week
Camellia japonica Adolphe Audusson has blood red flowers in March
and April. The bush can grow quite tall and prefers a woodland fringe location
with light dappled shade, but will also be happy in full sun as long as it does
not get early morning sunshine. This can destroy flower buds on a frosty
morning. I grow one bush in the open and one against a west facing wall, but I
make sure it never dries out. Another great Camellia is the pink variety
Painting of the month

I hope to
show this painting with many others at the Angus Open Studio event in late May.
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