Autumn is
rapidly coming to an end and winter will follow on pretty quickly, so with this
cheery thought we must make sure we are up with events around the garden before
wet weather puts a stop to our plans. I always keep an eye on weather forecasts
and get outdoors whenever there is a few dry sunny days. Priorities are
removing any weeds before the end of the season, raking up leaves for the
compost heap and cracking on with the winter digging incorporating heaps of
compost for next years plants that prefer good feeding.
off any planting of spring flowering plants as well as bulbs. Every year I buy
in new tulip bulbs for my spring bedding displays, but there is always fifty or
more good bulbs left over from the previous bedding so I find an empty patch
somewhere to plant them and increase the spring show.
This week
I have removed another two shrub roses, devastated by the fungus disease
blackspot. They were replaced by four hardy outdoor fuchsias Mrs Popple which
is very reliable and gets covered in a mass of flowers from summer till the end
of November. My existing bushes are still in full flower in spite of four
nights of frosts. As the young bushes are quite small the ground around them
got my spare tulips so I am guaranteed a good display.
Some rose
bushes continue to flower provided they get a few sunny but cold days. Oshima
bought from Cockers about ten years ago is a bright red tough rose that just
will not go dormant.
and chrysanthemums are now finished so can be dug up. The chrysanthemums get
labelled and boxed up for over wintering in the cold greenhouse, but the
gladioli get dried off and stored under a bench in my frost free garage.
Tuberous begonias are also drying off for winter storage.
All my
apples are now picked, sorted, cleaned and boxed up for storing in the garage.
After finishing off the Discovery, Red Devil, a deep red dessert apple was next
for the table, while Fiesta gets a few weeks storage to sweeten up. One tree of
Fiesta gave me 43lbs of apples but as it has a biennial tendency I probably
won’t get such a heavy crop next year. Red Falstaff was picked in early
November, and also gave me a very heavy crop. Finally in mid November I picked
the culinary Bramley apples which then got sorted, cleaned and stored.

raspberries are now finished, though if you get a few days of sunny weather you
will always get a wee worthwhile picking.
grape Black Hamburg continues to ripen and supply us with huge black sweet and
very juicy grapes. Outdoor Brant grapes are also continuing to ripen up as the
plant takes on its autumn colours. Outdoor grape vines planted in spring have
put on excellent growth, with Regent reaching the top of my allotment shed.
salads are in plentiful supply both outdoors and in my cold greenhouse.
Anna has
just created a brilliant soup from the first of my Pumpkins which may look like
huge orange courgettes or marrows, but once cut open the texture was clearly of
a pumpkin appearance. However I will not be saving any seed this time after
last years home saved pumpkin seed was definitely influenced by close proximity
to some courgettes.
Its been
another fantastic year for beetroot, so soups, boiled and roasted savouries,
beetroot risotto, chutney and beetroot chocolate brownies, will all be on the
menu courtesy of an excellent beetroot cookery book just published by
Christopher Trotter.
Swedes, leeks, parsnips, sprouts and kale will give us fresh supplies for
months to come as they have all had a great year.
Plant of the week

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