We all
like a challenge, and finding a grape variety to grow and ripen up north in
Dundee is my current challenge. Grapes have become a staple diet at home as
they get added to my muesli in the mornings and mixed with sliced bananas, other
fruit and yoghurt for lunch. The greenhouse grapes ripen from August to
December using Flame, Perlette and Black Hamburg, and my outdoor Brant fruits
from October to November. Brant has small bunches and is more ornamental than
commercial, but it is very successful outdoors so proving that grapes can ripen
in our northerly Dundee climate. Now if I can find another variety with larger
bunches which will ripen outdoors that will make me happy. Both last year and
this year there were just too many grapes to eat, so some got brewed for wine.
I make a fair bit of wine with surplus fruit crops including black and red
currants, chokeberry, gooseberry, elderberry and saskatoons, but it would be
nice to create my own wine from home grown grapes.
In the beginning
I have
always enjoyed a wee drink from early youth with my pint of heavy, then as you
got older and more mature you tried out the more sophisticated wines such as
Blue Nun and Mateus Rose. They were the standard posh wines at that time to
accompany an evening meal. Then in the seventies wine making from kits became
fashionable and we found cheap plonk could be readily produced. However, if you
read the books, attended wine making classes and experimented, every so often
you brewed a good one. Many others failed the test and ended up down the sink.
After many years home brew went out of fashion as supermarkets began to offer
half price wines, so we could sample some reasonable wines at an affordable
price. However a few years ago I ran into the problem of a lot of surplus fruit
crops and no freezer space left, so I went back to home brewing, and soon
discovered I had not lost all my old skills. My fruit wines give me a very
flavoursome wine far superior to any I can find in a supermarket, and with a
few modifications my Bramley apples produce a fantastic sweet dessert wine with
a Sauternes flavour. My outdoor grape Brant has grown quite large with such a
heavy crop of grapes that wine making is necessary. It will be Christmas before
I open the first demijohn of Brant and compare it with my fruit wines. The
future could give me even more grapes to try out as my young bushes grow and
start to crop.
In the greenhouse
Muscat of
Alexandria and Black Hamburg got me started, but the former needed heat to
ripen up and Black Hamburg had pips. So Flame, a red seedless grape and
Perlette a white seedless variety were planted to extend the range. These are
all dessert grapes which we manage to eat so there is nothing left to brew.
Outdoor grapes

promise of better weather to come for Scotland, if global warming reaches us up
north has tempted several folk to try growing a few outdoor grapes. One
vineyard was started on the banks of Loch Tay a few years ago, and Christopher
Trotter has planted a trial block on south facing land above the River Forth at
Upper Largo in Fife. Christopher has planted the early ripening varieties Solaris,
Rondo and Siegerrebe. The favourite variety at the moment is Solaris, a golden
coloured grape with a muscat flavour. It is more a wine grape rather than
dessert as it has pips, but some people prefer this as the seeds are very
healthy to eat. I have Solaris and had my first bunch this year. I am also
trying Rondo, Regent, Phoenix and Siegerrebe, but there are many other
varieties worthy of a trial. Although you should remove most of the early
bunches to allow the newly planted vines to concentrate on producing good
growth, I was tempted to leave a few grapes to see if they would ripen up. As
this has been a brilliant year for sun I was not disappointed. All my grapes
ripened and as was on a garden scale with very fertile soil growth has been
very strong. To be successful, grapes need warmth and sunshine which the
Scottish climate is a bit low on, so they need a south facing slope, wall or fence
with reasonable soil which is well drained.
Plant of the week
The smoke Bush, Cotinus coggygria turns a lovely crimson in autumn
before leaf fall. This deciduous shrub is a deep purple maroon all summer and
adds a bit of colour to borders. It can grow quite tall but it can be kept down
to a few feet by pruning at the end of March down to a few feet off the ground.
However this also removes the flowers which give it its smoky appearance as
they are small but numerous. This shrub is easy to grow on most soils as long
as drainage is good.
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