always takes a long time to come, and then our Scottish climate only gives us a
few sunny days at a time in between showers, so it is very important to make
the best use of this period.
garden and allotment have been cultivated and planted so we have had plenty
exercise, and as crops begin to mature we can start to enjoy fresh fruit and
vegetables picked and table ready in a few hours. As these crops have had no
chemicals added to help them grow or increase their shelf life they could not
be healthier.
Radish is
so quick and easy to grow that they are nearly always the first of the new
season’s crops to be picked. Many salads can be brought on early by sowing in
cellular trays in a greenhouse or on a sunny windowsill then hardened off for
transplanting in spring. Lettuce, spring onion and beetroot all lend themselves
to this method. Other crops such as strawberries can planted under low polythene
tunnels to ripen two to three weeks ahead of open ground crops.
vegetables such as spring cabbage April sown in July 2012 and overwintered can
now be cut as spring greens or left another couple of weeks to heart up.
fruit such as raspberries, blackcurrants and gooseberries will soon be ready as
will my cherries Cherokee though I will have to net them as the local blackbird
would just love them for breakfast.
We are
spoiled for choice for great fresh healthy fruit and vegetables from now till
They all
have merit as a health food product but differ in the levels of minerals,
vitamins and antioxidants they possess.
Some of
the best can reach superfood status and are also some of the easiest to grow.
The following list is always on my allotment plot. I have covered the health
benefits of these in depth last November, now archived in date order in my
blog, the “”
Rhubarb is available from late winter as forced
stems, then in season from April till autumn. Plant crowns in well manured rich
soil about three feet apart and keep it well watered and fed in the growing
season to harvest a wealth of stems. These can be used as fresh stems and any surplus
frozen for winter use.
Beetroot, Kale, Swiss chard and spinach are leafy vegetables for stir
frying, soups, and added to stews. Beetroot also makes an excellent deep red
soup that is very nourishing as well as being very tasty. These vegetables are
all very easy to grow from seed, and kale is one brassica less appealing to
pigeons, caterpillars and clubroot.
Broad beans are my favourite bean mainly as they make
fantastic soup as well as added to numerous other dishes. My first beans will
be ready in July from a late February sowing, but I had spare seed left so I
did another sowing at the end of May. There is always some crop that fails so
these will be planted where a sowing of spring onions and Paris Silverskin
pickling onions failed miserably. The latter like good soil plus a warmer
climate than they have been getting lately so germination was very poor. My
broad beans from the late sowing will crop at the end of summer.
Onions can just about be used with every cooked
dish and now I have found a great variety they are very easy to grow. My onion
Hytech grown from seed gives me a huge crop of large bulbs that store perfectly
from the late summer harvest to May the following year.
Tomatoes need to be home grown. Sorry, but supermarket
tomatoes just do not compare. A hard skinned tasteless watery orange ball is
absolutely useless as a salad or cooking vegetable no matter how cheap, or on
the vine or having a brilliant long life on a supermarket shelf. At home we can
grow varieties for flavour and pick them fresh when they are red and fully
ripe. These are delicious.
Black fruits include blackcurrants, blueberries,
saskatoons and chokeberries. They are all very easy to grow except the
blueberry which demands an acidic soil. They are all very high in vitamin C and
antioxidants. Most can be eaten straight off the bush, though chokeberries are
better cooked and sweetened. The new blackcurrant Big Ben is very large and has
enhanced levels of sweetness and vitamin c.
Plant of the week
Rose Gertrude Jekyll has been my first rose to flower
this year, appearing in early June, though much later than last year. It gets
smothered in large pink Old English style flowers that retain the strong old
rose scent. It can be grown as a wall climber or free standing shrub.