in one form or another played an important role in a gardeners apprentice
training in the sixties. Primula obconica was grown indoors as a house plant or
for civic decorations. Primroses, (Primula vulgaris) and cowslips, (Primula
veris) grew wild in meadows, banks and roadside verges.

gardeners still talked up the merits of the auriculas, (Primula auricula) which
had become a fashionable plant to grow in their time.

breeders such as Blackmore and Langdon in Bath, have been hybridising primulas
for years producing very colourful polyanthus and primroses suited to the
bedding plant trade for use in tubs and beds for both private gardeners and
civic decorations in parks and open spaces.
Garden Displays

polyanthus are so colourful they do not need any bulbs interplanted between
them to brighten up spring displays, but if you wish to go for maximum effect
dwarf double tulips are a perfect combination. So are hyacinths and crocus, but
careful you don’t go for an overkill.
are fairly easy to grow provided you give them the right conditions. I sow seed
in late spring outdoors in a cool but sheltered place. Warm temperatures will
inhibit germination, and they must never dry out. Seedlings are slow to
germinate, so be patient and allow a few weeks for the seedlings to grow before
pricking out into cellular trays. Grow them on for another couple of months
then line them out in prepared soil spacing about four inches apart. Make sure
the soil has plenty of compost incorporated as they like a rich moist soil.
Young plants should grow strong and sturdy so that by October you have perfect
plants ready to plant in your beds, borders and tubs.
flower from late winter if mild conditions prevail till early summer. Once the
plants have finished flowering you can discard them onto the compost heap, or
save them for another year as they are perennials. Carefully lift them and line
them out on humus rich soil spacing about four to six inches apart. Make sure
they are always kept moist and by autumn they will be ready for bedding into
your tubs and borders for the next spring displays.
Plant of the week

Jan Bos
was always my favourite red, Pink Pearl a great pink, L’Innocence the best
white and for a good blue it is hard to beat Delft Blue and Ostara.
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