The spring
flowers have long since faded away and the summer flowers are only just getting
started but the year has been very favourable so there seems to be no shortage
of flowers around with herbaceous plants, shrubs and rock garden plants. It is
possible the long hot summer of 2013 helped to ripen up buds in autumn then
nothing much suffered in the mild winter so now we are reaping the rewards when
the climate is in our favour.
and rhododendrons have been fantastic this year from early February right
through till June. It has been cool and moist with some strong winds but not
enough to worry the garden plants.
brightest dwarf azaleas I have seen are those in the open fully exposed to the
sun. Although a lot of these shrubs are recommended for cool moist positions
with dappled shade as they cannot stand drying out, we do not often suffer too
much drought and scorching heat in Scotland so full sun seems to suit these
plants just fine.
This year
my ceanothus thyrsiflorus, now about ten years old has settled down and instead
of putting on loads of growth it has covered itself in a mass of bright blue
flowers. The bee’s just love it and one bush had about thirty bees all working
away happily. Where were they a few weeks ago when I needed them to pollinate
my plum, pear, peach and apple fruit trees.
I have a
small group of dwarf evergreen azaleas as well as some taller deciduous ones
and keep the low growing theme going with drifts of heathers. However to add
height I have planted the taller tree heath Erica arborea. It is very slow
growing but at eight years old has now reached four feet tall. Every year in
late May to June it is covered in scented white flowers which also attracts
loads of bees. Every time you disturb this heath in flower it sends out a cloud
of pollen which is quite a sight to see. Unfortunately once the flowers die the
stems are left quite bare as growth restarts from the top of the shoots.
shrub in full flower just now is the Cistus Silver Pink and Cistus purpureus.
The flowers do not last very long, but there are a lot of them so these low
growing evergreen shrubs still put on a marvellous show.
they grow one year then flower the following year there is still time to sow
some seed now to grow on into small bushy plants. These can then be transplanted
where they are to flower in the autumn spacing them about six to twelve inches
apart randomly in drifts.
coming down even further in scale is the ground hugging succulent Delosperma.
The species nubigenum grows about two inches tall but smothers the ground with
rounded succulent shoots that burst into flower with daisy like yellow flowers.
Another type, Delosperma cooperi grows to about four inches tall and flowers in
June to July with purple flowers. They are both perfect for a very dry and stony
soil in a sunny location. They will colonise the surface of a wall very easily
if you poke a few shoots into a crevice holding them in place with some soil,
where they will root within a few weeks.
Plant of the week
Peony suffruticosa commonly known as the tree peony
has been grown and hybridised in China for hundreds of years. This flowering
shrub is very culturally significant in China and has been used in Chinese
medicine for over 2000 years.
It is
slow growing eventually reaching up to ten foot tall and needs a moist soil
rich in organic matter. It flowers best in dappled shade, but in Scotland it
should be fine in a sunny position as long as it is kept moist. Although the
species has a white flower there are numerous hybrids with large flowers six to
twelve inches across in colours ranging from white to pink, red and yellow.
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