A lot of people are
under the impression that, as the days get shorter and colder with frequent
frosty mornings, it is now time to forget about the garden till next spring.
Unfortunately, the dormant season is a time to catch up on numerous tasks that
seem to keep us outdoors on most sunny days and even those days when the ground
is frozen or covered in snow.
The dormant season
from November to March was traditionally the time to do all the new planting of
trees, shrubs, roses, and many other plants that came as bare root plants.
Today most plants are in pots so planting can be done just about all year
round. However this time of year is best for soil cultivations incorporating
manure or compost ahead of planting. This will also give the new planting a
better chance of establishment as weeds will have been removed or dug in, then
a mulch applied to retain moisture and prevent weeds from growing.
This is about the
latest time for planting fresh strawberry runners for cropping next year.
I have always chosen
a frosty day when the ground was frozen to carry out some tree, shrub and rose
pruning. It never seems to do any harm. With bush roses I remove most wood
except the strongest young shoots which get pruned by about half their length.
Shrub roses just get straggling untidy shoots removed. Climbing roses get
removal of all weak shoots, and some older wood and any shoots growing away
from the wall or fences. Other shoots are lightly tipped and tied in.
With apple trees I
try a bit of crown reduction on my mature trees to reduce the height so I don’t
have to climb so high at harvesting time, as Anna’s nerves just can’t take it
any more. I keep telling her good gardeners, well trained in fruit growing just
don’t fall out of trees.
Well at least not
very often. I only do a modest amount of spur pruning in winter as I prefer to
regulate the balance of growth to fruiting wood, by removing the occasional
large branch provided I can replace it with another younger shoot to take up
its place.
Up on the allotment
the autumn rasps and brambles have been pruned as well as my outdoor vine
Phoenix, Solaris, Polo Muscat and Muscat Bleu. Prune greenhouse grapes in
December to January.
Digging in compost
continues as I try to complete all my soil cultivations by the end of this
Next year’s rotation
plan is now completed, so I know where all the main crops will be going. That
way I can add compost as digging proceeds according to the needs of each crop.
Land allocated for
late planted crops such as sweet corn, courgettes, French beans and pumpkins
will get sown down with a clover green manure crop in March, then dug in before
I keep an eye on the
weather forecast as my last row of beetroot is still perfect outdoors after
getting some earthing up,
but if any severe frost threatens then I will lift
them and store them indoors.
Outdoor water
supplies have been turned off and drained and the pipes lagged for frost
Keep a watch over
stored apples and potatoes. Remove any apples going bad and keep shoots off
stored potatoes. Gladioli and begonias should now be quite dry so they can be
cleaned up and stored in some dry sand or soil in a frost free place till
Now is a good time
to complete taking of hardwood cuttings of shrubs and fruit bushes. They can be
lined out in a prepared bed in a cold frame or in pots of well drained compost.
Put out bird feeders
now, as once they have devoured all our berried trees and shrubs and the ground
starts to freeze up their food source gets a wee bit restricted.
Plant of the week
Salix britzensis is a favourite willow for the coloured stem winter garden, where it is
grown as a stooled bush. It has bright orange red stems all winter from leaf
fall till the following March. It will start to grow then, but to keep it a
bush it gets cut back to ground level. It will grow up to about eight foot
tall. After cutting back in March I use the tall stems on the allotment to
support my rows of peas.
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