Peas and beans are
found on most people’s allotment. They are very easy to grow provided you give
them rich soil that was well manured or composted during the winter digging.
Runner beans, dwarf French beans and later sown peas can also benefit from a
green manure crop, since there is time to grow a quick clover crop before the
ground is needed for sowing or planting.
Freshly harvested
peas and beans can be on the dinner plate within a couple of hours of picking
and there is nothing more healthy and delicious to taste. These pulses are rich
in fibre, protein, vitamin A, C, E and K and the minerals copper, iron,
manganese, magnesium, zinc and selenium.
Broad beans are quite hardy so it is possible to do an
autumn sowing and over winter the plants to give a very early crop. However I
prefer to sow early in March indoors with some heat and grow them on in
cellular trays for a couple of weeks on a sunny windowsill. When they are about
four inches tall I transfer them to my unheated greenhouse to harden off. They
will go outdoors to harden off further before they are planted on prepared
ground in early April once the land has warmed up. I plant in a double row
about nine to twelve inches apart spacing the plants about nine inches apart. I
grow Giant Exhibition Longpod as although it is very vigorous and grows quite
tall it produces a very heavy crop. It will need good support as it grows using
stakes and binder twine.

This is necessary for perfect broad bean soup with a flavour to die for,
and extremely healthy.

They need a support of canes or poles about six feet tall as they will
Dwarf French beans are more tender so sowing is even later. I
sow direct outdoors the first week in May (provided the soil has warmed up) in
a double row a foot apart spacing the seeds about four inches apart. These do
not need staked and picking should be regular over several weeks in summer.

For succession follow on with the same variety outdoors in April, then
later on use a maincrop such as Onward or the very tall Alderman. Peas will
need staking and protection from pigeons. I use the old fashioned, but still
effective black thread tied along the rows on the pea support. It frightens off
the birds as they can feel it but not see it. For a late sown crop go back to
the fast maturing Kelvedon Wonder or Feltham First sown in July. All peas get
sown in a six inch wide furrow, a couple of inches deep and spacing the peas
about two to three inches apart in three rows.
Wee jobs to do this week
Complete any
outstanding pruning of fruit trees or bushes, except plum trees liable to
infection from silver leaf.
Plant strawberry
runners delivered as cold stored runners. They may not have much leaves on them
but as long as they have strong crowns they will soon grow once the spring gets
under way.
Once snowdrops and
aconites have finished flowering the clumps can be lifted, split up and
replanted where they will continue to grow for a few more weeks as long as they
are kept moist.
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