The humble potato has
had a major impact on the British way of life. It is eaten by most people daily
as boiled, mashed, baked, as a salad or as chips. It is a great source of food
health and its cultivation gives us immense exercise. It is a major farm crop
in Scotland for both ware and seed potato production. It holds an essential
place on the allotment plot rotation. We all have our own favourite varieties
depending on taste, texture and use. Some like a dry texture, others waxy or
floury. Some have a strong flavour whereas others can be very bland. As my diet
has evolved away from chips and now into salads, my needs are for the smaller
potato cooked in their skins (the healthiest part) with enough surplus to add
to a couple days salads.
Last year I started
lifting my second early Lady Chrystl in mid July. It gave a good crop, and the
earliest ones may not have reached full size, but they were perfect for me.
However it was the smaller sized potato Maris Peer that was the perfect salad
spud, though the crop weight was not high. This year I will be trying
International Kidney as my first early salad potato.
My best maincrop last
year was Sarpo Mira, which I still have plenty of in store so I will be
planting it again this year.

Planting time depends
on weather, so this year as the weather has been cold it will begin early to
mid March. Earlies are spaced about 12 inches apart along the rows which are 24
inches apart. For maincrops increase the spacing to 15 inches apart with rows 2
to 2.5 feet apart.
Take out a furrow six
inches deep and run some well rotted compost along the bottom. Cover this with
some soil and plant into this. Cover the rows but leave a slight ridge to mark
the line.
Potato fertilizer high
in phosphates and potassium, may be added during the covering of the tubers.
Growing on
Once the foliage
emerges keep an eye on the weather and if frost threatens earth over to protect
them. Continue to earth over as this kills weeds.

Lifting can begin at
the end of June with first earlies and continue till October for lates. Lift on
a sunny day and leave the spuds to dry on the surface for an hour or so.
Discard any tubers that show any greening as this contains poisons. Potatoes
are best stored in the dark in hessian or paper bags in a frost free shed
protected from mice.
Wee jobs to do this week
Clean the glass in
greenhouses both inside and outside as seed sowing will now be under way for
many plants and grape vines will soon be budding up. Any vines left low to
encourage even growth along the rods can now be tied back into place.
Tomatoes, onions and
broad beans sown earlier in February will now be germinating and need more light
to keep them sturdy. Only the tomatoes require constant heat, whereas the
others can be grown as hardy as they can stand. Salads for an early crop to be
planted out under low polythene tunnels can now be sown in a warm room or
windowsill, unless you have a heated greenhouse.
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