As winter weather recedes and we can feel some warmth in the
sunshine, a trip around the garden lets us know that plant growth is on the
move. The snowdrops have finished, the
aconites are past their best, but crocus are now blooming and bringing life
into the garden. All my roses, pruned several weeks ago, have small shoots
growing, and in the greenhouse the greenfly and whitefly are in great abundance
and in party mode. Recent dry sunny weather has brought out the pests. Greenfly
on my chrysanthemums and whitefly everywhere were just waiting on fresh new
leaves to enhance their diet. However a
wee spray of Provado on a dull day stopped all their fun.

Sweet peas sown two weeks ago on a windowsill have all
germinated and have now gone into my cold greenhouse as they are fairly hardy
once they get growing. They were sown at three to four seeds in each cell in a
tray and will get potted up in a fortnight.
Outdoor grape vines were pruned last month. The strongest of
the pruning were used as cuttings (six inches long) placed in cellular trays in
a propagator with bottom heat. They are now starting to grow so will get potted
up into small pots but kept in the cold greenhouse.
Three new grape vines, (Rondo, Regent and Siegerrebe) have
been purchased to replace those that died last year due to phytophthora root
rot on the allotment. However they are growing at home in good soil against a
south facing fence, with Siegerrebe going into my greenhouse.
Geraniums grown from cuttings last autumn and kept cool but
frost free on a windowsill are now putting on some growth. The tops have been
removed and used as more cuttings to increase stock. Geraniums are quite hardy
so the biggest plants have now gone onto my cold greenhouse to harden off. This
will keep them sturdy removing flower buds as they appear to keep the plants
The sowing season kicked off a few weeks ago when I started
my sweet peas, but now the last week in February is when I sow my tomatoes and
broad beans, then a week later I will sow my onions.
I use the variety Hytech which is very reliable giving a
heavy crop of large onions which can store right through winter into spring.
Apples in store are just about finished. Last years crop was
not as heavy as normal due to lack of bees for pollination resulting in fewer
apples. Bramley in store suffered some brown rot, but there will only be a few
left at the beginning of March. Fiesta is the only apple still in store, but
now down to my last five.

Wee jobs to do this
Seed potatoes for planting in March are now in boxes in a
light but cool room to let the shoots chit.
Potatoes and onions are still fine in store while kept cool,
but I keep pumpkins a wee bit warmer. Winter cropping vegetables outdoors such
as cabbage, swedes, leeks, kale, Brussels sprouts and parsnip should still be
fine for using as required.
Beetroot left outdoors has now been lifted for use and was
perfect even after a few frosts.
Rocket sown in autumn continues to provide plenty fresh
leaves for salads, and flower spikes have been cut off as they appear to
encourage growth.
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