I find I can get the best results from my wee allotment plot if everything is well planned in advance, and activities only vary to a lesser extent as weather permits. However we all know what happens to the best well laid plans. In the middle of June I would be expecting all my seeds and plants to be in the ground, getting well established, while hoeing out the odd weed and spending a lot of time relaxing in the sun watching the crops grow. No such luck, the sun only appears very briefly for a couple of days, then the cold north winds return, plants get blown over and my sun lounger goes back in the shed. Rain has been very sparing which is great for holiday makers but not so good for gardeners. The hose has been in constant use for several weeks, especially to keep my pumpkins and courgettes happy. Crops are still running at least two weeks late, but there is still time for a catch up if our luck turns around. We just need a few days of heavy rain, over night preferably, followed by a long period of hot sunny weather.
Sweet corn planting
is now complete but establishment slow as cool weather continues to hold back
growth. Watering has been a constant task as the ground is still very dry.
Pumpkins, courgettes
and squashes are now all planted, and also need plenty of watering to keep them
Onions are well
established, but some warm weather would be welcome to give their growth a
boost. Peas, broad beans, dwarf French beans are also now into a bit of growth,
and the cool weather is doing no harm to my root crops. However clubroot
resistant Swede Invitation failed to germinate. Not one seed germinated from
the whole packet. This is another case of very bad seed from the same supplier
that gave me the first batch of sweet corn where I got two plants from eighty
seeds. I wont be sending any more seed orders to Devon
Apples have a huge
crop that will need thinning out after the June drop in July (Scottish climate)
Peaches have managed
to get through the pollination stage with over thirty small fruits wanting to
grow. However Peach leaf curl has been devastating and their may not be enough
healthy leaves left for a crop to develop.
Figs look like having another great year with potential of eighty fruits possible, if we get some warmer weather.
Figs look like having another great year with potential of eighty fruits possible, if we get some warmer weather.
Blackcurrants look
excellent and Big Ben fruit size may yet live up to its name.
Gooseberries are
also showing a huge crop which this year have not been troubled with sawfly.
Outdoor grape
Phoenix looks quite impressive this year compared to Solaris, Muscat Bleu and
Polo Muscat. Growth is strong and there is a lot of grape bunches.
Flag Iris and poppy
Ladybird are the star attractions on the plot adding a bit of colour to my
front border. Geraniums, African marigolds and petunias will follow on later.
Roses are also
starting to flower, but keeping greenfly off the growing shoots has been a big
Wee jobs to do this week
Keep watching for
greenfly, caterpillars and gooseberry sawfly larvae and remove immediately.
Make sure the
strawberries are protected from birds by netting and slugs by sprinkling some
slug pellets along the rows.
Dead head annual
poppies once the flowers are finished so they can continue to bloom for several
weeks. Some will keep flowering well into autumn.
The compost heap
will be getting bigger, so now is a good time to give it a turn over to let the
worms have some fresh material to work on.